By James M. Rochford Many skeptics claim that the resurrection of Jesus originated from pagan myths about “dying and rising” gods—commonly called the “copycat theory” of Christianity. James G. Frazer popularized this view in his book The Golden Bough (1914),[1] though more recently, others have followed in his footsteps.[2] … [Read more...]
Grace vs Karma
Do we reap what we sow? Do we get what we deserve when we die? Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism, India’s contribution to the world, teach that our thoughts and actions have consequences, namely rewards or punishments. Goodness leads to rewards and bad thoughts and actions lead to pain and suffering. This, in a nutshell, is Karma. On the other end of the religious … [Read more...]
God Is Necessary & Not Necessary For Morality?!
“The Christian Post” recently published an article with a thought provoking title, “Atheist Sam Harris Partly Right That God Not Necessary for Morality, Christian Apologist Says.”1 A naïve reader of this article may think that Christianity endorses the atheistic notion that morality does not require God. Is it so? This is our first question. While discussing this subject … [Read more...]
One Fewer God?
There’s a popular quote by atheist Steven F. Roberts that many nonbelievers cite or paraphrase when debating Christians that says, “I contend we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer God than you do.” The atheist is saying that since we Christians don’t believe in Baal, Zeus, Odin, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, or any other god other than the God of the Bible, then we … [Read more...]
Apologetics: Answering Atheism, Naturalism in the USA, and the Reliability of the Bible
Christian Apologetics is the reasonable defense of the Christian worldview. Many would have you think that religious thought exists in a vacuum and runs absolutely contrary to reality. That is not true. It's not true. Christian apologetics is where a lot of the fire for my evangelistic spirit comes from. People simply don't know, and no one is telling them. The media is … [Read more...]
A Beginners Guide to Understand and Answer Dr. Bart Ehrman
Dr. Bart Ehrman’s works could rattle the faith of naïve Christians. Hence, those who debate Christians frequently appeal to Ehrman's works. This is a beginner’s guide to comprehend Ehrman, and the scholarly response from Christian apologists to debunk his attacks against Historic Christianity. Who Is Bart Ehrman? “Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray … [Read more...]
Batman: The Killing Joke
Zach Snyder's Batman v Superman offered a controversial dark knight that was truly beginning to fall into the darkness he claimed to fight (the extended addition makes that even more clear than the theatrical version). The Killing Joke, which is based on the 1988 story arc from Alan Moore and Brain Bolland, builds on this trajectory in a move that might rightly be called … [Read more...]
Why Do Christians Become Atheists?
Atheism is disbelief or lack of belief in God. A minority of atheists do believe in a universal spirit or god. If we had our “questioning God” moments in our life, we would empathize with those who convert to Atheism. On the other hand, if our [Christian] life has been hunky-dory and comfortable thus far, we would be surprised, shocked, and even judgmental at those … [Read more...]
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
I bet your parents taught you that you mean something, that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all... They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to. - Bruce Wayne Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has given critics plenty of reason to rant. As far as the art of film goes, it leaves a lot to … [Read more...]
Why Did God Kill 25 Million People? (A Brief Response To The Atheists)
It does not matter whether God killed 25 million people, those numbers do not matter. Hence 25 million is not a number to be concerned about; instead the concern is about God’s justice, “Was God just in killing a large number of people as recorded in the Old Testament?” Justice is God’s ontologically necessary attribute, so HE cannot unjustly kill even one person. … [Read more...]