Today’s post is the final entry in my video series on Incarnational Apologetics, In the last three posts, I outlined the problems of Secularization, Pluralization, and Privatization. In this final post, I want to explore the fourth and final problem of Polarization.
At the core of Polarization, is the tragic loss of community replaced by alienation. Ravi Zacharias has written,
“On the heels of the Enlightenment, existentialism was waiting to be born and on the heels of existentialism, alienation was waiting to be born.”
I am here to report, that the baby of alienation is alive and growing fast into full blown societal fissures; leaving individual emotionally isolated and spiritually alone. This is what I call “Polarization”.
Polarization is the ultimate consequence of a Secularized, Pluralized and Privatized society demonstrated in the balkanization of civic, social, religious and family structures.
The following video outlines the growing problem of Polarization and some of the solutions we, as followers of Jesus need to implement if we are to be truly effective Incarnational Apologists.
By the way, if you are interested, here is the link to the YouTube playlist with all 9 videos used throughout this series.
right. the question was partly rhetorical. clearly we’ve been doing that for a long time, in my case, 40 yrs or more, but this one on one thing in a multi media age is depressingly slow. I can count on two hands how many christians Ive been able to influence to see beyond the smoke and mirrors.
im thinking in terms of establishing some kind of destination, as in data bank/think tank/one-stop-shop voice box that clearly spells out the choice believers have between whatever their status quo is and a revelatory experience of Christ in His body.
I recently heard a CBC program on which a public intellectual was lamenting the demise of the public intellectual, which by default contributes to the defacto dumbing down of the public on social policy issues.
I think that dynamic is a reflection, and even a key ingredient in the dumbing down of the average church goer, as McChurch-ease vernacular displaces spiritual discussion, debate and change.
Id rather have a revolution, with sides pitted against one another than this malaise we have where everyone is friends but very few are family.
I like what some authors, circuit speakers and thousands of individuals like us are doing to contribute to the elevation of the discussion, but I really dont think we’re getting into the head of many outside of those already converted.
If Christians motive for fixing polarization isnt singularly to re-establish Jesus Christ as the only head of his body, by denouncing and disbanding the system of usurpation we have built thru the last millenium or so, well, we will continue to epitomize the definition of insanity. Which is: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Our story as a church tracks exactly with Israel’s, as does our refusal to embrace the truth when He comes to us in plain language, without credentials, quietly warning his people in love against our blindness and impending self destruction.
Nothing short of a wholesale repentance by us all, as one body, will stop this slide into anarchy that we are going to be held accountable for, as the darkness overtakes the children of light, while they dance and sing.
The insane don’t know they are.
I agree 100%. Amen!
I thought u would. How can we enlarge the tiny circle of us who agree to include Joe & Jane church goer?
It comes down to you and I speaking to the people in our circle of influence and convincing them. There are people in your life who wont listen to me, so you are the one who needs to speak to them. If each one does that, we can have in impact.