“Be yourself! Be who you are! You’re on the right track, baby; you were born that way!” Sound familiar? We hear these phrases (or some form of them) constantly. The idea is we can just find our real self and live it, all will be well. As compelling as that idea is in theory, it's often disastrous. I often think of Joss Whedon’s counter-commentary: “Remember to always be … [Read more...]
Batman: The Killing Joke
Zach Snyder's Batman v Superman offered a controversial dark knight that was truly beginning to fall into the darkness he claimed to fight (the extended addition makes that even more clear than the theatrical version). The Killing Joke, which is based on the 1988 story arc from Alan Moore and Brain Bolland, builds on this trajectory in a move that might rightly be called … [Read more...]
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
I bet your parents taught you that you mean something, that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all... They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to. - Bruce Wayne Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has given critics plenty of reason to rant. As far as the art of film goes, it leaves a lot to … [Read more...]
Authoritarianism toward Christians in the name of “Gay Rights”
On the national stage and in many smaller communities we've come upon a difficult debate. This debate is the clash between LGBT rights and Religious Freedom. This clash has triggered a philosophical conflict, what many view as discrimination vs. the 1st amendment right to free speech. Gay marriage has been forceably legalized by the Supreme Court, overriding the existing … [Read more...]
A god Who Admits All People to Heaven is…(God Cannot Save All People)
Very minimally, Universalism or Inclusivism asserts that God will save all people whether they believe in Christ or not. However, Universalism severely debilitates God, which I will now strive to elaborate. … [Read more...]
So What If There’s A Gay Gene? So What If You Are Born Gay?
Why is the pro-gay lobby eagerly waiting for the discovery of a gay gene? Is it to possess a so-called legitimate excuse to practice homosexuality? If a gay gene is discovered, would it offer true legitimacy to practice homosexuality? First things first, homosexuality is a deviant or an abnormal behavior whether it’s viewed from a natural or from a Historic Christian … [Read more...]
The Apologetics Academy: Equipping the Church to Confront the Culture
I recently launched my new ministry, the Apologetics Academy (http://www.apologetics-academy.org). The Apologetics Academy seeks to educate, train, disciple and equip the church at a personal level. By hosting weekly Webinars with leading scholars and thinkers, Christians are provided access to world class intellects that they probably would otherwise never meet. In addition to … [Read more...]
Introducing the “Apologetics Academy” Online Mentoring Program
Are you a seasoned apologist looking to improve and sharpen your ability, and test your skills in debate against the best critics of Christianity? Are you a beginner apologist wanting to learn apologetics from some of the finest Christian minds in the world? Are you a Christian who is wrestling with doubts? Are you a non-Christian who has questions about Christianity and wants … [Read more...]
What Is Heaven Like?
We care much about any new purchase. If we are to buy a house, we will spend days, if not months, to learn more about the house. We will not ignore any known aspect of the house. We endeavor to learn almost everything about the house before we commence our life in it. We leave no stone unturned while studying about our new home on earth. Similarly let us leave no stone … [Read more...]
If All Religions Are Same, We Would Be Destroyed
Evangelism and the notion that all religions are the same are mutually exclusive. Uniqueness is an underlying belief in evangelism and conversion. A religion indulges in evangelism because of its uniqueness. The three major religions, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are actively evangelizing religions. The New Age movement, highly eclectic in its structure, converts people … [Read more...]