There seems to be the perception in society today that Christians are inherently biased. Of course Christians cannot be great scientists for example because they are going to bring a religious agenda to the table that will color their research. Is it true? Are Christians inherently biased when they approach a subject? … [Read more...]
The New Frontier in Apologetics – An Open Letter to the Apologetics Community
Dear Colleague: It’s time for Christianity to reclaim the intellectual high ground we once held. That means you and I have a lot of work to do. Chances are some of it will be different from what we've been doing. There is a new frontier in apologetics today. The big questions are no longer what they used to be. And most of us are just beginning to see it. It’s no longer … [Read more...]
The Value of Extra-Biblical Knowledge (Tolle Lege)
Christians are sometimes afraid of claims of knowledge that come from sources outside of the Bible, especially if those claims are being made by non-Christians. It's sometimes tempting to think that if a statement can't be backed up by a Scriptural reference, or if the speaker or writer hasn't been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, then whatever they say is suspect at best. … [Read more...]
Søren Kierkegaard: A Christian Thinker
In my previous treatment of Kierkegaard (S.K., hereafter) as a relevant Christian thinker of our day, I drew upon basic themes in S.K. to illuminate an apologetic for the imagination, so to speak. One of these basic yet classic themes in S.K. was "truth as subjectivity." For such a phrase, S.K. has (wrongfully) been acclaimed a relativist, or a fideist. But my goodness! S.K. … [Read more...]
On the Importance of Studying Greek
By Dax R. Bennington Introduction The reasons for studying Greek are numerous. This essay will address a number of the benefits of studying the ancient language. Some of the benefits are intrinsically valuable, that is they are good in and of themselves, not sought out for any particular means, and some of the benefits for studying New Testament Greek (Koine) are meant for more … [Read more...]
Having Conversations Full of Grace and Seasoned with Salt: Advice to the Christian Debater
In his letter to the Colossians, the Apostle Paul instructs his readers to "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person," (Colossians 4:6). I have found this advice to be invaluable in the context of debate, an activity in which many of us in the apologetics community participate. Recently, I have had the … [Read more...]
Identity Crisis: Should We Use the Term Apologetics?
Do you get blank stares when you mention apologetics? Should we drop the term and find another, like case-maker? Having tried apologetics as well as other terms, I think the problem is deeper. What can we do, and what might we learn from others who share a similar identity problem? … [Read more...]
Answering Jewish Objections: “Jewish People Don’t Believe in a Suffering/Atoning Messiah”: Part One
Introduction Over the years, I have had the chance to talk to several Jewish people about spiritual issues. A common Jewish objection that I continue to hear is that Jewish people don’t believe that a human can be sacrificed for sins. In other words, a human can’t atone for the sins of the Jewish people. First, let me give some background to the idea of atonement in Judaism. … [Read more...]
Book Review: "The Resurrection of Jesus" by Mike Licona
When it comes to the truth of Christianity, no subject is more important than the Resurrection. The entire Christian faith hinges on it, and without it our faith becomes pointless. The apologetic task of defending the Resurrection is tantamount to defending Christianity itself, or at least defending its most defining facet. Thanks to the work of Josh McDowell, Gary Habermas, … [Read more...]
Does The Moral Argument Reify Subjective Morality?
Matthew Lawrence wrote in this question and gave permission to blog it and my answer below: Hello Christian Apologetics Alliance. I would like to first off say thank you for the resources that you've given to me. This has helped me boost my faith up greatly. Also I was wondering if you can please help me with an objection to the moral argument. I was talking to a skeptic … [Read more...]