In the most recent edition of EQUIPPED, we announced we would be taking applications for CAA Pilot Chapters, and held a book giveaway contest for those who applied. As the Christian Apologetics Alliance (CAA) celebrated our fourth anniversary on March 27, 2015, we are so thankful for the way the CAA Community discusses a wide variety of important apologetics topics; offers … [Read more...]
Having Conversations Full of Grace and Seasoned with Salt: Advice to the Christian Debater
In his letter to the Colossians, the Apostle Paul instructs his readers to "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person," (Colossians 4:6). I have found this advice to be invaluable in the context of debate, an activity in which many of us in the apologetics community participate. Recently, I have had the … [Read more...]
Abdu Murray and Grand Central Questions, Part 2
We continue our discussion with Abdu Murray about his new book Grand Central Question: Answering the Critical Concerns of the Major Worldviews (IVP, 2014). (Part 1 of discussion.) Murray is an attorney, a former Muslim, and an experienced apologist, and his book examines the critical questions of human existence in light of some of today’s major worldviews. CAA: There are a … [Read more...]
Principles of Godly Contentment
"I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." These were the words of the Apostle Paul as he wrote from his lonely prison cell to the Christians in Philippi. Those are challenging words, and far easier to say than to live out. Paul knew what he was talking about, however, when it came to suffering and tribulation. Few people have had it worse than him. In 2 … [Read more...]
The Art of Biblical Integrity for the Christian Intellectual
Do you really believe what you say and think you believe, and how can you know? The answer may at first brush appear obvious -- "of course I believe what I say and think I do," you might say. If you didn't, after all, why would you be spending so much time engaged in the intellectual defense of it? This raises an interesting question: Can you believe that you believe something … [Read more...]
Gnosticism 2.0 – Knowing that one knows God
Normally on this blog I focus on issues that should be of interest to skeptics, people who are not convinced that God exists or that Christianity is a belief system to be taken seriously. Today I’d like to instead discuss Christianity directly. Lately as I’ve read the Bible some interesting themes have popped out, particularly in the book entitled 1 John. To those who are … [Read more...]
Apologetics and Missions Go Hand in Hand?
Recently, in response to my blog, "What is Christianity without Apologetics and Missions?", I was asked why I believe churches are not able to connect apologetics and missions. My initial thought was how could churches not connect apologetics and missions and fulfill their purpose as the bride of Christ? Let me explain. … [Read more...]
The Scandal of Incarnational Apologetics
Until recently I had never heard the term “incarnational apologetics.” At its most basic, incarnational apologetics means that the way we live as Christians is as much a part of our defense of the faith as the historical reliability of the Gospels or the various arguments for the existence of God. According to David Wheeler, professor of evangelism at Liberty University... … … [Read more...]
Why Pastors Ought to Be Apologists
If you scan the pages of Scripture looking for a list of “offices” (leadership positions within the Church), you’re likely to find eight roles described in the New Testament: Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers (Ephesians 4:11), elders, deacons and bishops (1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Timothy 3:8-13; Titus 1:6-9). One thing you’ll never find in any Biblical list of … [Read more...]
Incarnational Apologetics
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Scripture for YouVersion: Short audio/video: Three questions (1 fill-in-the-blank, 1 multiple choice, and one discussion question): References for further reading: Collaboration notes: Collaborators: [Add your name … [Read more...]