In our previous article in this series (found here), we began by articulating the popular argument that Christianity stole its central themes from antecedent Pagan deities. There, we argued that even skeptics and critical scholars reject such a view. However, we didn’t explain why they do so. In the subsequent articles, we will outline the reasons scholars reject this specious … [Read more...]
Did Christianity Copy from Paganism? (Part 1 of 5)
By James M. Rochford Many skeptics claim that the resurrection of Jesus originated from pagan myths about “dying and rising” gods—commonly called the “copycat theory” of Christianity. James G. Frazer popularized this view in his book The Golden Bough (1914),[1] though more recently, others have followed in his footsteps.[2] … [Read more...]
Expert Testimony: The Anthropic Principle, Anthropology, and Historicity
“The Christian faith does not call for us to put our minds on the shelf, to fly in the face of common sense and history, or to make a leap of faith into the dark. The rational person, fully apprised of the evidence, can confidently believe...” –William Lane Craig What is faith exactly? Is it unyielding belief in the absurd as Richard Dawkins has suggested? Is it trust in … [Read more...]
Why Do You Believe in God?
If someone asks me, "Why do you believe in God?" I don't necessarily say "I just have faith." Many might say that. But for someone who asks that question, I need to know how to defend my faith. So my response is this: I think it's very reasonable to believe in God. Let me tell you why: 1. The universe exists and it must have a cause, everything that begins to exist … [Read more...]
On the Study of Apologetics
(The following note originated as a response on Facebook, written to someone who was asking in the CAA for technical help in an argument he had gotten into about the use of Bayes’s Theorem in arguments regarding the historical Jesus. In the subsequent comments thread I clarified what I was saying, and I have added some of those clarifications to the note here.) ***** I’m … [Read more...]
Nabeel Qureshi, Christian Apologist – and Bridge Between Christians and Muslims?
Introduction I am not usually a big fan of apologetics. As a progressive Christian passionate about interreligious dialogue, far too often I have seen apologists distort other religious traditions, presenting them in an uncharitable light or only discussing their worst manifestations. So when I picked up ex-Muslim and Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi’s Seeking Allah, … [Read more...]
Introducing: Winning CAA Pilot Chapters!
In the most recent edition of EQUIPPED, we announced we would be taking applications for CAA Pilot Chapters, and held a book giveaway contest for those who applied. As the Christian Apologetics Alliance (CAA) celebrated our fourth anniversary on March 27, 2015, we are so thankful for the way the CAA Community discusses a wide variety of important apologetics topics; offers … [Read more...]
The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas
The CAA read The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas: Paul’s Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World by Paul Copan and Kenneth D. Litwak, as part of Apologetics 315’s weekly Read Along program. This took place August through October. Each week, an audio introduction from Paul Copan was provided for that week’s chapter, along with a brief synopsis and study questions. We … [Read more...]
3 Good Reasons To Question What You Believe
Introduction Many people like to ask questions, and not just basic questions that get us through day-to-day life, but questions that go beyond our basic routines. Questions that examine who we are, why we are here, from where have we come. Questions that are on all our minds, but many fear to ask. Some are afraid they may discover something they do not like; some are afraid … [Read more...]
5 Threats Of Demanding Certainty To Change Your Beliefs
Introduction With the continual exposure to scientific, historical, and philosophical evidence for God's existence, I am continually reminded of just how strong the case for God is, in general, and the truth of Christianity specifically. Often times I wonder how someone can have enough faith to be an atheist. It is often claimed by skeptics of God's existence, and specifically … [Read more...]