The Young Messiah is an upcoming American biblical drama set to hit theaters in March 2016. The movie portrays a seven-year-old Jesus returning from Egypt to His hometown of Nazareth, and along the way discovers the truth about who He is. In a press release, Director Chis Nowrasteh stated, “[The] film seeks to present a realistic portrait of Jesus as a child both grounded in … [Read more...]
"What is God Like — Tawhid or Trinity?" Jonathan McLatchie vs. Abdurraheem Green
I recently did a debate on Unbelievable? on Premier Christian Radio, a show that airs every Saturday on British radio (also podcasted online), featuring debates between Christians and non-Christians. Last year on the show, I did a debate on whether Christianity is evidence-based, with British atheist Elliot George. The recording of that encounter can be found here. On Saturday … [Read more...]
EQUIPPED: Vol. 1, No. 3 – Evidence for the Resurrection
Vol. 1, No. 3 Evidence for the Resurrection "He was buried and He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" Ready for an adventure? When was the last time you prayed, "Lord, make me willing to go, to serve, to do your will"? Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, … [Read more...]
A Look At Messianic Prophecy
Note: See Part One Here: Introduction One of the most prominent themes throughout the Bible is the kingdom of God. The framework of Israel’s existence and self-understanding was formulated from God’s covenant with Israel and Israel’s servant to God the King. Israel is the people of the king, and the holy land is the land of the king’s rule. Given the Messiah is supposed to be … [Read more...]
Who is the One True God? A Look at Prophecy as a Verification Test
Introduction The skeptical issue in our culture mostly enters into the religious dialogue in the following way: “In the case of God, who isn’t some physical object but a divine being, what kind of evidence should we expect to find? [1] There is a tendency to forget that the Bible stresses that sin can dampen the cognitive faculties that God has given us to find Him. … [Read more...]
Did Jesus' Disciples Have Hallucinations? (Tolle Lege)
Most New Testament scholars, even non-believers and skeptics, acknowledge that Jesus' followers had experiences of Him being alive following His crucifixion.* But a common skeptical reply to this well-founded fact is that these experiences are best explained as hallucinations on the part of the disciples.** But how reasonable is this claim? In his recent book Can You Believe … [Read more...]
Answering Jewish Objections: “Jewish People Don’t Believe in a Suffering/Atoning Messiah”: Part Four
This is our final post in our series on Answering Jewish Objections: “Jewish People Don’t Believe in a Suffering/Atoning Messiah." See Part One, Two, and Three. Here are some more rabbinical sources: Messiah of Justice [Meshiah Tsidenu], though we are Thy forebears. Thou are greater than we because Thou didst bear the burden of our children’s sins and our great opresssions … [Read more...]
Review: Jesus on Trial by David Limbaugh
Dan Barkman | With endorsements from apologists like Frank Turek and Ravi Zacharias, I had high hopes for David Limbaugh's Jesus on Trial and the book did not disappoint. Limbaugh-a New York Times best-selling author-revealed that he has long been fascinated by intellectual defenses of the Christian faith but finally decided to put his thoughts to writing after being … [Read more...]
Handling a Rabbi’s Objection About The Resurrection of Jesus
Dan Cohn-Sherbock, a well-known rabbi of Reform Judaism, and Jewish theologian has given some of his reasons for rejecting the resurrection of Jesus. He says: “As a Jew and a rabbi, I could be convinced of Jesus’ resurrection, but I would set very high standards of what is required. It would not be enough to have a subjective experience of Jesus. If I heard voices or had a … [Read more...]
Did Jesus Inherit The House Of Joseph?
Christianity is founded on the idea that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. Out of all of the requirements for the Messiah, being born in the House of David is the most important one. Yet in order to inherit that house in the Old Testament sense, Jesus would have to be counted as the son of a male descendant of David. Given the Biblical account (which I believe to be the true … [Read more...]