Why is the pro-gay lobby eagerly waiting for the discovery of a gay gene? Is it to possess a so-called legitimate excuse to practice homosexuality? If a gay gene is discovered, would it offer true legitimacy to practice homosexuality? First things first, homosexuality is a deviant or an abnormal behavior whether it’s viewed from a natural or from a Historic Christian … [Read more...]
“America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone, Including Atheists”
Christopher Hitchens claimed religion poisoned everything; Dawkins has compared a religious upbringing to child abuse. Are they right? Sociologist Rodney Stark draws from an impressive range of studies to make the case that the opposite is true. Religion – specifically evangelicalism – helps everything it touches to flourish. Stark, a sociologist of religion, began his … [Read more...]
Christian vs. Secular Ideology: The Power of the Resurrection
There is a war on today. It's not a war of guns or bombs, but a war of ideas. The war is about worldview. The war is about the course of human history. The war is about religion and the eviction of God from modern society. Battles rage on the horizon at this very moment. We can hear the echoes and thuds in the distance. We can feel the reverberations. We can smell the … [Read more...]
Should Christians Favor the Death Penalty?
Love and Christianity are apparently synonymous. If love is innate in Christianity, how should Christians view the death penalty? Pew Research Center reports 1 that Judaism and Buddhism oppose the death penalty. Hinduism holds no clear stance. Islam favors the death penalty. American atheists and agnostics are split almost equally on the death penalty. Pew … [Read more...]
Would Discovery of Aliens Destroy Christianity?
Not all Christians may believe in the prospect of discovery of alien life, but all Christians should offer reasonable responses to honest questions. One such question is whether discovery of alien life would hurt Christianity. … [Read more...]
Should Christians Practice Yoga?
Yoga is rapidly gaining popularity. Yoga (Transcendental Meditation – TM [1] is understood as a path of union with the divine in Hinduism. Yoga is any type of exercise (physical, mental or spiritual) that promotes an individual’s journey to a union with the divine. Should we practice yoga because it’s popular? … [Read more...]
What is a Scientific Consensus? Does it prove anything?
Source photo of the Putnam Gallery at Harvard The term "scientific consensus" is often tossed around in the media. Experts, pundits, and everyday people cite "scientific consensus" as evidence for global warming, macro-evolution, and even atheism. What is a scientific consensus? Well in theory a scientific consensus would indicate that the vast majority of … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Case For Life- Part 4 Of 4
Last month I continued a chapter-by-chapter summary review of Scott Klusendorf's book "The Case For Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture" (paperback, Kindle, GoodReads, Video Trailer, Interview, Life Training Institute). Today I will conclude the summary with Part 4 of the book and my thoughts and recommendation. Part 4- Pro-Life Christians Teach and Equip Chapter … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Case For Life- Part 3 Of 4
Last month I continued a chapter-by-chapter summary review of Scott Klusendorf's book "The Case For Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture" (paperback, Kindle, GoodReads, Video Trailer, Interview, Life Training Institute). Today I will continue, once again, the summary with Part 3 of the book. Part 3- Pro-Life Christians Answer Objections Persuasively Chapter 9- … [Read more...]
A Response To “Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You *** Idiots"
When Skepchick Rebecca Watson wrote her viral post on the Planned Parenthood scandal (“Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, you F*** Idiots"), no one had to guess which side she was defending or what she thought of the pro-life crowd. The article is worth considering – not because she's right, but because she is frustratingly wrong in both her facts and assumptions. As … [Read more...]