This is a short introductory essay to defend objective moral values. In philosophy, the term ‘objective,’ is defined as the existence of an object independent of human mind (mind-independency); “the object would “be there,” as it is, even if no subject perceived it.”1 In contrast, the term ‘relative’ refers to the perception of an object by the subject … [Read more...]
Steeled Faith
A Review of Against the Flow: The Inspiration of Daniel in an Age of Relativism, by John Lennox In the early sixth century BC, four Hebrew boys, probably teenagers at the time, were forcibly deported from the tiny state of Judah in Israel to live out their lives in service to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. It would have been easy for Daniel and his three friends to … [Read more...]
If All Religions Are Same, We Would Be Destroyed
Evangelism and the notion that all religions are the same are mutually exclusive. Uniqueness is an underlying belief in evangelism and conversion. A religion indulges in evangelism because of its uniqueness. The three major religions, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are actively evangelizing religions. The New Age movement, highly eclectic in its structure, converts people … [Read more...]
Undivided (The Unwind Dystology)
If you aren't reading Neil Shusterman, you should be. Unwind may be one of the best current Young Adult series addressing significant moral and social issues in a way that leads readers toward the truth. This review will cover the final book, Undivided. If you are not familiar with the series, it may be helpful to read some observations about the previous books (just click on … [Read more...]
Age of Ultron: Human Visions, Second Chances and Filled Gaps
The Avengers have invaded your local theaters - and the public consciousness. Critics like it and audiences love it. It passed the $700million dollar mark only eight days after its release, and a spokesperson for Disney said it should pass the $1.5 billion that the first movie brought in. That billion, with a 'b'. The next Avenger movie is several years away, but between now … [Read more...]
The Stones Cry Out: A Review of The Interview
If Sony pictures wanted to stir up a buzz over a film, they could hardly have orchestrated a better series of events than the geo-political drama that played out ahead of The Interview: a mysterious cyberattack on Sony reportedly originating out of North Korea, followed by threats of violence against any theater that dared to show the film, followed by an abrupt Sony decision … [Read more...]
Dracula Untold
Dracula Untold looks to do for Dracula what Maleficent did for its title character. What if there is more to Dracula than we thought? What if he is a hero (albeit a problematic one)? Dracula Untold suggests that he is just that – a misunderstood monster who has become what he is for love. And make no mistake, Vlad the Impaler is a monster. His childhood is tragic. He and 999 … [Read more...]
Honor Living: How the Moral Absolutes Elevate Human Life
On the evening of January 1st, 2008, at approximately 7:30pm, a call came in to the Irving, TX, 911 emergency response line. A female voice came screaming onto the line, “Help me … my dad shot me and now I'm dying!” The caller was 17-year-old Sarah Said. She and her sister Amina, 18, had been shot multiple times in a taxi cab which had been abandoned at the service entrance of … [Read more...]
Why should I believe something?
People believe all sorts of things. Some believe in aliens, while others don’t. Some believe in global warming, while others don’t. Some believe in evolution, while other's don't. Some believe in a God or gods, while others do not. Why the disagreement, given there are certainly people of good intention and intellect on either side of many important issues? Why should we … [Read more...]
Is Believing in Absolute Truth Narrow-Minded or Intolerant?
Introduction The objection of Christians being intolerant or narrow-minded is one of the more popular charges thrown down when discussing some of the moral issues of our day. Christians in many cases, are painted with broad strokes to be the "horse with blinders on its eyes, limiting its vision of the world; or that of an ostrich with its head buried in the sand, completely … [Read more...]