reported that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and so did Wikipedia.1 No doubt this indicates a trend. But how is this growth achieved? … [Read more...]
Nabeel Qureshi, Christian Apologist – and Bridge Between Christians and Muslims?
Introduction I am not usually a big fan of apologetics. As a progressive Christian passionate about interreligious dialogue, far too often I have seen apologists distort other religious traditions, presenting them in an uncharitable light or only discussing their worst manifestations. So when I picked up ex-Muslim and Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi’s Seeking Allah, … [Read more...]
Jesus, The Bible, The Quran, and The Law of Non-Contradiction
In the Quran, the Gospel, or Injil, is considered to be from God and is incorruptible. The Bible says scripture is God-breathed. Yet, they contrast on what they say about Jesus. In comes the Law of Non-Contradiction. … [Read more...]
Eddie Redzovic Assures Us That The Islamic State Has Nothing To Do With Islam
The Deen show is a popular Muslim Dawah TV program, hosted by Eddie Redzovic. They frequently interview ex-Christian converts to Islam, who unfortunately often butcher their alleged former faith, showing little to no understanding of Christian theology. I and others have offered to come on the show and do a debate with Eddie or anyone of his choice, but unfortunately Eddie … [Read more...]
The Imperfections of the Quran – 3
The formation of the Authorised Version – the Uthmanic Codex, presents us with an important reason as to why the Quran is incomplete and imperfect. “ According to Dani, the companion of the prophets came to him and complained to him about the sharp divergences of Kuranic recitations that had appeared among Muslims – just as had been the case, he warned, among Jews and … [Read more...]
Shabir Ally vs. Jonathan McLatchie (Tawhid vs. Trinity): Watch the Debate Live Online This Sunday
On Sunday 16th of August, at 5:15pm GMT (that's 12:15pm Eastern Time; 11:15am Central Time; 9:15am Pacific Standard Time), I am going to be engaging in a public debate with Islamic scholar Dr. Shabir Ally in London, England, on the question of "What is God Like -- Tawhid or Trinity?" The live-stream is embedded above. Be sure to tune in! See my previous debate on this subject … [Read more...]
"What is God Like — Tawhid or Trinity?" Jonathan McLatchie vs. Abdurraheem Green
I recently did a debate on Unbelievable? on Premier Christian Radio, a show that airs every Saturday on British radio (also podcasted online), featuring debates between Christians and non-Christians. Last year on the show, I did a debate on whether Christianity is evidence-based, with British atheist Elliot George. The recording of that encounter can be found here. On Saturday … [Read more...]
The Imperfections of the Quran – 2
In the last post we saw three quranic imperfections. In this second part we will conclude this series with a final discrepancy which also shows the case we have been making all along, that the Quran is imperfect, and therefore, not a revelation from God. THE REVELATION WHICH FAILED TO MAKE IT TO THE QURAN Sahih Bukhari Volume 4: 393 Narrated Said bin Jubair: That he heard … [Read more...]
Would Muhammad Have Approved of the Islamic State? Part 2: Influence in Medina
In a previous article, I began a series of blog posts addressing the question of whether or not Muhammad would have approved of the Islamic state. In the first instalment, I discussed Muhammad's life in Mecca, and introduced the Islamic doctrines of abrogation and Taqiyya, both of which are found in the Qur'an itself. As I noted briefly at the conclusion of my earlier article, … [Read more...]
Would Muhammad Have Approved of the Islamic State? Part 1: The Meccan Years
The Islamic State (ISIS) have been in the news a lot recently as a result of a series of barbaric atrocities committed in the name of Islam. The question that the western media has been, for the most part, very reluctant to address openly is, "How representative is ISIS of the Islamic ideology?" It is the elephant in the room. Note that I am not asking "How representative is … [Read more...]