“The Christian Post” recently published an article with a thought provoking title, “Atheist Sam Harris Partly Right That God Not Necessary for Morality, Christian Apologist Says.”1 A naïve reader of this article may think that Christianity endorses the atheistic notion that morality does not require God. Is it so? This is our first question. While discussing this subject … [Read more...]
Apologetics: Answering Atheism, Naturalism in the USA, and the Reliability of the Bible
Christian Apologetics is the reasonable defense of the Christian worldview. Many would have you think that religious thought exists in a vacuum and runs absolutely contrary to reality. That is not true. It's not true. Christian apologetics is where a lot of the fire for my evangelistic spirit comes from. People simply don't know, and no one is telling them. The media is … [Read more...]
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
I bet your parents taught you that you mean something, that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all... They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to. - Bruce Wayne Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has given critics plenty of reason to rant. As far as the art of film goes, it leaves a lot to … [Read more...]
Quentin Tarantino’s Hateful Eight
Quentin Tarantino's latest movie has already won or been nominated for awards centered around script, casting and the soundtrack. In Hateful Eight, he has assembled a stellar cast that delivers sharp dialogue in the midst of yet another homage to a classic genre of film - in this case, the Western. Tarantino has a knack for capturing the bleak depravities of the human heart - … [Read more...]
Christian vs. Secular Ideology: The Power of the Resurrection
There is a war on today. It's not a war of guns or bombs, but a war of ideas. The war is about worldview. The war is about the course of human history. The war is about religion and the eviction of God from modern society. Battles rage on the horizon at this very moment. We can hear the echoes and thuds in the distance. We can feel the reverberations. We can smell the … [Read more...]
What is a Scientific Consensus? Does it prove anything?
Source photo of the Putnam Gallery at Harvard The term "scientific consensus" is often tossed around in the media. Experts, pundits, and everyday people cite "scientific consensus" as evidence for global warming, macro-evolution, and even atheism. What is a scientific consensus? Well in theory a scientific consensus would indicate that the vast majority of … [Read more...]
Wayward Pines
“Before I built a wall I’d ask to know what I was walling in, or walling out." Blake Crouch’s Wayward Pines books, which have recently experienced a resurgence thanks to M. Night Shamylan's recent television show of the same name, have sold over 1 million copies in twenty-five countries. Shamylan diverged from the book series around Episode 5; this review will focus on the … [Read more...]
It’s Evidential
A review of Discovering Intelligent Design: A Journey into the Scientific Evidence by Gary Kemper, Hallie Kemper, and Casey Luskin When Hallie Kemper, a homeschool educator and science teacher, set out to locate a curriculum for intelligent design (ID), she couldn’t find one that met her needs. So she and her husband Gary, a former aerospace scientist and ID skeptic who had … [Read more...]
Understanding the arguments in God’s not Dead: Part II of III
In part one we looked at the arguments advanced by Professor Radisson, now we come to the arguments Josh put forward as he took the floor. The first argument Josh talked about is called the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God. This comes in many different versions, all of which have interesting aspects. Yet all of them have in common the idea of a first cause, … [Read more...]
Cosmos, Giordano Bruno, and Getting it Right
I wanted to like the reboot of Cosmos. Really, I did. Despite the patronizing materialism that kept cropping up in the old show, Carl Sagan covered some great subjects and excited the minds of a generation. Some of his most famous lines can still send a chill down my back. And today, at a time when cosmology is changing so rapidly that all astronomy textbooks more than a … [Read more...]