In chapter 20 of their recent book Did God Really Command Genocide? Coming to Terms with the Justice of God, Paul Copan and Matthew Flannagan take up the question, "Does Religion Cause Violence?" This is by now a well-worn trope of new atheist accusation, typically stated without explaining what "religion" is, or how it is uniquely violence-producing in comparison to any other … [Read more...]
Annihilation versus Eternal Torment: What Does the Bible Really Teach?
Entire books on this subject have been written, as well as innumerable articles, with both sides claiming Bible verses to support their interpretation. And while this topic will likely be debated until Jesus returns, it is one that I feel I cannot be silent on as the very character of God is at stake. Please note that my goal was to succinctly expound on why I believe what I … [Read more...]
The Persistence of Gnosticism (Tolle Lege)
Gnosticism in its various forms has been remarkably persistent in the history of the church. Both the apostles Paul and John dealt with early forms of it in their epistles, and Irenaeus of Lyons critiqued it in Against Heresies. A number of surviving "Gnostic Gospels" date from the second through fourth centuries. As Justin Holcomb points out in his recent book Know the … [Read more...]
Godbuster: A Debate With Elliot George
This week I engaged in a radio debate with an atheist on Unbelievable on Premier Christian Radio (which you can listen to here). My interlocutor was a British atheist, a retired biology teacher who goes by the pseudonym Elliot George. In his book, Godbuster, George attempts to dismantle theistic belief. I knew when I saw the front cover that the book was unlikely to be … [Read more...]
"Doth God Care For The Oxen?" – The Biblical View
John W. Loftus, in his recent book, attempted to make the case that the Bible does not value animals, and that the Bible and its authors would condone animal cruelty. The opposite is true. As I demonstrated in my recent debate with him, the Bible is very much concerned for the welfare of the animals, and Loftus’ view otherwise is founded in various misunderstandings regarding … [Read more...]
What Is Faith Really?
I have been interested in reading the reaction to the debate between Dr. Tim McGrew and Dr. Peter Boghossian. I listened to the debate, and one thing struck me as particularly odd. There was a lot of time spent from the side of Dr. Boghossian discussing what he believes the majority of Christians in the 21st century mean when they refer to faith. However, I don’t believe that … [Read more...]
What Did the Disciples See?
Introduction When it comes to the Christian faith, there is no doctrine more important than the resurrection of Jesus. Biblical faith is not simply centered in ethical and religious teachings. Instead, it is founded on the person and work of Jesus. If Jesus was not raised from the dead, we as His followers are still dead in our sins (1Cor.15:7). Explanations try to … [Read more...]
Understanding the arguments in God’s not Dead: Part I of III
SPOILER ALERT: If you have not seen the movie yet, I suggest doing so before reading this. While what I say here will not totally take away the fun of watching the movie, it may diminish your enjoyment to a certain extent. I recommend seeing and supporting it in order that more movies like it may be produced. So, you have seen the movie and you were intrigued by the … [Read more...]
Is Matt Dillahunty's Atheism a Worldview?
Introduction. You may have heard it said that “everybody has a worldview.” In recent discussions with online atheists and having viewed several videos, I have noticed that this does not seem to be the case. Some are saying that atheism is not a worldview. For example, one video that I stumbled upon was one from “The Atheist Experience” with Matt Dillahunty, was asked about … [Read more...]
Dissecting ‘One God Less’ Meme
“I contend we are both atheists,” signed Stephen F. Roberts, “I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” Roberts is believed1 to be the person who crystallized and popularized this increasing reechoed sound bite when he began signing his online post with it in … [Read more...]