Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic magazine, notes that in the United States, those who are predisposed to believe in the benefits of free-market capitalism and also most likely to be skeptical of the theory of evolution. These findings are unfortunate because if anyone should embrace the theory of evolution it is conservatives. Charles Darwin’s theory of natural … [Read more...]
You Gotta Be More Specific
A blogger named MarkCC demonstrates a few common misunderstandings regarding Intelligent Design (ID). First we need to clarify some terms, as there is some jargon given in the post that the reader may not be familiar with. Specified Event – The phrase “Go Take Out the Trash” is a specified arrangement of letters. The jumbled letter sequence “smets qwoand nduams iba” is … [Read more...]
Book Review: Programming of Life- Part 2
Last month I began a review of "Programming of Life" by Donald E. Johnson (paperback, video, quotes) with summaries of the first five chapters This month I will summarize the final chapters and offer my thoughts and recommendation. Chapter 6: Prescriptive Programming Information in Life Johnson now discusses another type of information that is found in both computer code … [Read more...]
Book Review: Programming of Life- Part 1
Introduction "Programming of Life" by Donald E. Johnson (paperback, video, quotes) came to my attention fairly recently. The prospect of a case for God's existence being made from my area of training (computer science) especially caught my attention. The fact that the author is formally trained in both information science and biochemistry seemed to give him a unique set of … [Read more...]
“Evolution: Myth or Reality?” Intelligent Design on the Trinity Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_-w1l2tnc8 On Friday night last week, I participated in an interview, along with philosopher J.T. Bridges, on the Trinity channel on the subject of ID and evolution. Here is the recording. For more of my talks, interviews and debates, visit my youtube channel. … [Read more...]
Atheist Matt Dillahunty Goes After Intelligent Design — and Stumbles
I was recently directed to the above video featuring notable atheist Matt Dillahunty (with whom I have had interaction in the past). In it, Dillahunty makes a number of elementary mistakes that are quite common among popular-level criticisms of intelligent design. I thought it would be worthwhile to offer a short respon se. Misrepresenting Intelligent Design His first mistake … [Read more...]
A List of My Recorded Interviews, Debates and Talks To-Date
Over the past couple of years, I have been privileged to have the opportunity to participate in a number of radio and podcast interviews and debates, as well as present a number of lectures on subjects of interest to Christians. Those that have been recorded lie scattered around the internet, and so I thought it would be a good idea to compile the links to these resources into … [Read more...]
Is Intelligent Design A Circular Argument? A Response to Matt Dillahunty
On Sunday night, I called into the Atheist Experience, an atheist TV show based out of Austin, Texas. It is a weekly call in program, airing every Sunday at 4:30 till 5:30pm Central and can be viewed on ustream. The recording of my discussion with Matt Dillahunty from Sunday night (I am the first and longest caller) can still be found online (mp3; video). It is unfortunate … [Read more...]
Evaluation of Darwin's Doubt by Stephen C. Meyer, Part 4
This is the fourth and final installment in my book review series on Darwin's Doubt. Part III: After Darwin, What? In chapters 15 and 16, Meyer explores the various "post-Darwinian" models that have been proposed to account for the massive amount of biological information required to give rise to new body structures and ultimately, new body plans. … [Read more...]
Nietzsche’s Rejection of Darwinian Evolution
“The error of the Darwinist school has become a problem for me: ” wrote Friedrich Nietzsche, “how can one be so blind as to fail to see clearly here? … That the species represent progress is the most unreasonable assertion in the world:” (Nietzsche 2003, 258) In a period of ten years, Nietzsche drifted from admiring Darwin and his company as “great names of England” to … [Read more...]