Have you heard of intersectionality? Unless you’ve been hanging around the rarified halls of academia lately, this may be a new term to you. Intersectionality theory was introduced by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in a 1989 paper with the unwieldy title, “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory … [Read more...]
No, Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand Is Not A Parallel To Blind Evolution
Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic magazine, notes that in the United States, those who are predisposed to believe in the benefits of free-market capitalism and also most likely to be skeptical of the theory of evolution. These findings are unfortunate because if anyone should embrace the theory of evolution it is conservatives. Charles Darwin’s theory of natural … [Read more...]
You Gotta Be More Specific
A blogger named MarkCC demonstrates a few common misunderstandings regarding Intelligent Design (ID). First we need to clarify some terms, as there is some jargon given in the post that the reader may not be familiar with. Specified Event – The phrase “Go Take Out the Trash” is a specified arrangement of letters. The jumbled letter sequence “smets qwoand nduams iba” is … [Read more...]
What About God of the Gaps?
If you present the cosmological or design arguments to skeptics at least a few times, it’s extremely likely that you’ll hear the words “That’s a ‘God of the gaps’ argument.” This objection is rooted in the idea that because a number of things throughout human history have been wrongly attributed to the supernatural activity of God or gods, we can now safely dismiss God as a … [Read more...]
William Lane Craig on Three Types of Cosmological Arguments
I am privileged to be one of the general editors of the upcoming Dictionary of Christianity and Science (Zondervan, April 2017). Paul Copan, Tremper Longman, Michael Strauss, and I–along with our excellent team at Zondervan–have endeavored to create a reference work that tackles the most important terms, concepts, people, and debates at the intersection of Christianity and … [Read more...]
Book Review: Programming of Life- Part 2
Last month I began a review of "Programming of Life" by Donald E. Johnson (paperback, video, quotes) with summaries of the first five chapters This month I will summarize the final chapters and offer my thoughts and recommendation. Chapter 6: Prescriptive Programming Information in Life Johnson now discusses another type of information that is found in both computer code … [Read more...]
Book Review: Programming of Life- Part 1
Introduction "Programming of Life" by Donald E. Johnson (paperback, video, quotes) came to my attention fairly recently. The prospect of a case for God's existence being made from my area of training (computer science) especially caught my attention. The fact that the author is formally trained in both information science and biochemistry seemed to give him a unique set of … [Read more...]
The Facts on Christianity: A Quick Examination
Source of image from CrossExamined.org “The Bible encourages people to put their faith in God. Unfortunately, many people equate faith with a blind leap in the dark or wishful thinking. But the faith that the Bible requires is intelligent faith. It is neither blind nor irrational. Biblical faith is a committing trust with an object (God) who is worthy of our faith. No … [Read more...]
The Importance of Set Theory to Apologetics
Argumentum ad mathematicum Growing up as a young lad, I had an interest in mathematics. This interest waned a bit, starting in pre-calculus (doing summation the long way just doesn’t jibe well with time constraints). Nevertheless, apologetics has brought me back to studying the basics, as it were, of mathematics. Increasingly, those arguing for the truth of Christianity … [Read more...]
“Evolution: Myth or Reality?” Intelligent Design on the Trinity Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_-w1l2tnc8 On Friday night last week, I participated in an interview, along with philosopher J.T. Bridges, on the Trinity channel on the subject of ID and evolution. Here is the recording. For more of my talks, interviews and debates, visit my youtube channel. … [Read more...]