Former L.A. County District Attorney and agnostic Vince Bugliosi believes that the problem of evil is fatal to believing in Christianity. “I’m an agnostic only on the issue of whether there is a God, a supernatural being who created the universe. I’m not an agnostic on the Christian God… while God can be all-powerful or all-good, he cannot be both, since these are … [Read more...]
Would A World Without Satan Lack Evil?
The question, “Would there be less evil in a world without Satan?” could be relevant, for if the answer to this question is a yes, then we could plausibly ask, “Why did God create angels i.e. Satan, if evil in this world would be lesser without Satan?” Within this context, if God had not created Satan, evil would have been less, and our world would have been a good world. … [Read more...]
Why Did God Create Satan Knowing That Satan Would Cause Evil?
No one is spared of evil. We either reel under the effects of evil or feel the impact of evil upon our relatives, friends and society at large. Some question God’s goodness on account of evil and a few others dispute God’s presence. Evil is real. Evil is not an illusion. Any sane human being would affirm this position. Terrorism or human trafficking is an act of evil, and … [Read more...]
Heart Attacks and the Sovereignty of God
I recently had a heart attack - 100% blockage in left anterior descending (LAD) artery that runs down the front of the heart and supplies the front and main wall. That kind of heart attack is commonly called a Widowmaker, which is a nugget of information I am glad I didn’t know that at the time. Why did it happen? Plaque dislodged and moved; that is the only thing that is … [Read more...]
Expert Testimony: The Existence of God, the Problem of Evil, and the Facts on the Bible
One of the respected methods by which truth claims may be verified is by expert testimony. Expert testimony is offered in court cases to assist in the search for truth. In the same way, expert testimony from respected individuals in human history may offer voracity to the truth claims of the Christian faith. True faith, Christian faith is grounded in hard facts and … [Read more...]
What is the Matrix?
What is the matrix? In light of the rise in secular humanism and the growing concerns over political, economic, and banking corruption worldwide, one must wonder... What is going on here? Why is the depravity so pervasive? What is causing this rise in corruption? I first began to understand some things when I read a book called 1984 by George Orwell. I … [Read more...]
Annihilation versus Eternal Torment: What Does the Bible Really Teach?
Entire books on this subject have been written, as well as innumerable articles, with both sides claiming Bible verses to support their interpretation. And while this topic will likely be debated until Jesus returns, it is one that I feel I cannot be silent on as the very character of God is at stake. Please note that my goal was to succinctly expound on why I believe what I … [Read more...]
3 Good Reasons To Question What You Believe
Introduction Many people like to ask questions, and not just basic questions that get us through day-to-day life, but questions that go beyond our basic routines. Questions that examine who we are, why we are here, from where have we come. Questions that are on all our minds, but many fear to ask. Some are afraid they may discover something they do not like; some are afraid … [Read more...]
Bonhoeffer's Solution to The Problem of Pain
Dietrich Bonhoeffer saw and experienced the unmistakable face of pain and suffering during the reign of Nazism in Germany. During his time at Berlin-Tegel Bonhoeffer exchanged letters and wrote notes that are now known as Letters and Papers from Prison. It is in these letters and notes Bonhoeffer explored the problem of pain and suffering. His address of human suffering does … [Read more...]
Rethinking Nielsen’s World Without God
Imagine for a second that there is no God. Imagine God is dead. What would we expect our world to look like if God did not exist? Based on this idea a brilliant, young Irish economist by the name of Robert Nielsen has presented an interesting, but ultimately unpersuasive case in his article World Without God. Nielsen states that this argument is at the foundation of his … [Read more...]