CAA Chapters Overview
The Christian Apologetics Alliance (CAA) will celebrate its ninth anniversary on March 27, 2020. We are so thankful for the way the CAA Community discusses a wide variety of important apologetics topics; offers mentorship, encouragement, and support to one another as we grow together in our understanding of apologetics; provides a platform for sharing about a wide variety of apologetics resources, conferences, educational opportunities, debates, and so on; and develops friendships and collaborations within the kingdom of God.
We expanded our online community to include in-person CAA Chapters five years ago.
CAA Chapters are communities for CAA members local to each other to meet regularly and collaborate together and with other local ministries. CAA Chapter members enjoy all the same benefits of interacting in our online environment, as well as developing relationships on an authentic, in-person level. These groups are founded in and built on prayer and dependence on God, and they are fundamentally intended to be a means by which we love our neighbors. Love of God and others is the spiritual core and founding principle of these communities; it isn’t about an apologetics junkies club.
Leaders: The CAA Admin Team selected a handful of CAA Chapter Leaders from among those who applied during the pilot phase. A CAA Chapter Leader sets the direction, organizes the meetings, trains up new leadership for future growth, etc. The CAA Admin Team provides support for the CAA Chapter Leaders in a dedicated Facebook group.
Areas: Each CAA Chapter is limited to one city, or one section of the city if located in a larger city. The groups need to be self-funded.
Members: Membership in CAA chapters is contingent on affirming the CAA Statement of Faith (SoF) and following the CAA Discussion Guidelines. A member shares in the vision of the group with the CAA Leader and helps to grow the group to the next level. It is our vision that each member will take an eventual leadership role. In the case of members choosing not to follow the SoF or Discussion Guidelines, the admin team will work with the Chapter Leader to work with those members to determine the best course of action for each member and chapter.
Participants: Participation in CAA chapters is not necessarily contingent on CAA membership. Each chapter will determine the focus of their meetings, and that focus will determine the demographic of the attendees. The CAA Admin Team encourages the inclusion of participants that are non-Christians. A participant attends with some regularity, but is not considered a member until they affirm the CAA’s Statement of Faith. It is our vision that each participant eventually becomes a member.
CAA Chapters operate under the authority of the CAA Admin Team and independently of a local church. However, we encourage participation in and of the local church, who are more than welcome to host CAA Chapter meetings, conferences, and so on. We gladly promote CAA Chapter activities on our website and social media accounts, and just as gladly promote, applaud, and appreciate local churches who host or support CAA Chapters in any way. We are thrilled to be of service to the local church. Please see our Open Invitation to Church Leadership.
CAA Chapters and Leaders are reviewed annually and remain in good standing if they meet these criteria, or become disaffiliated if they don’t:
*CAA members of the chapter affirm the Statement of Faith and discussion guidelines.
*CAA chapter leaders are approved by the CAA Admin Team through the application process and interact in the leaders Facebook group at least once a month to share lesson and organizational plan updates, meeting progress, and feedback.
*CAA chapter meets at least once a quarter.
*CAA chapter and leader are a blessing locally and do not provoke complaints.
Note: CAA Chapter Leaders and/or Members may be removed immediately if, in the view of the CAA Admins, they engage in un-Christian behavior or contradict the CAA Statement of Faith.