Dr. Bart Ehrman’s works could rattle the faith of naïve Christians. Hence, those who debate Christians frequently appeal to Ehrman's works. This is a beginner’s guide to comprehend Ehrman, and the scholarly response from Christian apologists to debunk his attacks against Historic Christianity. Who Is Bart Ehrman? “Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray … [Read more...]
Why Do Christians Become Atheists?
Atheism is disbelief or lack of belief in God. A minority of atheists do believe in a universal spirit or god. If we had our “questioning God” moments in our life, we would empathize with those who convert to Atheism. On the other hand, if our [Christian] life has been hunky-dory and comfortable thus far, we would be surprised, shocked, and even judgmental at those … [Read more...]
Jesus In The Vedas?
On 8th May 2016, the Gospel Truth Newspaper flaunted the conversion of Hindus in New Zealand.1 Apparently, the conversion was motivated by Acharya Vikas Massey’s speech that the Vedas (Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism) pronounces the Lord Jesus Christ as the one and the only way to heaven. I was exposed to this rather stunning detail many years ago, and I was astonished when I … [Read more...]
Ungracious Christians
Philip Yancey, in his classic “What's So Amazing About Grace?” describes ungraciousness as, “Ungrace does its work quietly and lethally, like a poisonous, undetectable gas. A father dies unforgiven. A mother who once carried a child in her own body does not speak to that child for half its life. The toxin steals on, from generation to generation.” Around us, ironclad in their … [Read more...]
Why do Good Things Happen to Bad People?
Introduction “Why do bad things happen to good people?” is a question that endeavors to label God as malevolent or powerless. This question presupposes that good people deserve good things, not bad things, because they haven’t done anything wrong, at least comparatively. When bad things happen to good people, the governance of our world seems bizarre. Consequently, this … [Read more...]
Why Did God Kill 25 Million People? (A Brief Response To The Atheists)
It does not matter whether God killed 25 million people, those numbers do not matter. Hence 25 million is not a number to be concerned about; instead the concern is about God’s justice, “Was God just in killing a large number of people as recorded in the Old Testament?” Justice is God’s ontologically necessary attribute, so HE cannot unjustly kill even one person. … [Read more...]
Has Science Disproved Prayer?
Atheists deploy science as an instrument to negate religion. Through the deployment of science, if they prove the ineffectiveness of prayer, they believe that they could deny God’s existence. Atheists refer to verses from the Bible that apparently mandate 100% answer to prayer (Matthew 17:20, 18:19, 21:22; Luke 11:9-10). So if a less than 100% answer to prayer is observed, … [Read more...]
Dangers and Consequences of Christian Universalism: Cultic Status & Hellfire (Part 2)
See Part 1 Can a Loving God Send People to hell? Does God take pleasure in the death of the wicked? No (Ezekiel 33: 11). Does God desire that all be saved? Yes (1 Timothy 2: 4; 2 Peter 3:9). Has God done everything for man to believe in HIM? Yes. So, can a loving God send people to hell? Yes! But the question is not fully correct! God does NOT send people to hell. Instead, … [Read more...]
Dangers and Consequences of Christian Universalism (Part 1)
Some Christians, who endorse Universalism a.k.a. Christian Universalists, vociferously claim that all people (irrespective of spirituality and/or morality) are heaven-bound. They believe in the following: (1) Christ’s atoning death is for the salvation of all mankind. (2) The historical-grammatical interpretation of the Bible is incorrect e.g. ‘Hell’ lacks context; there … [Read more...]
A god Who Admits All People to Heaven is…(God Cannot Save All People)
Very minimally, Universalism or Inclusivism asserts that God will save all people whether they believe in Christ or not. However, Universalism severely debilitates God, which I will now strive to elaborate. … [Read more...]