You may have encountered and engaged these claims, “Christianity is intolerant!” and “Christianity is exclusive!” The other religions are allegedly tolerant and hence, inclusive. Is it so? No! Every major religion claims exclusivity. … [Read more...]
The Bible Has Errors, What Do We Do?
Should our faith weaken if the Bible is proven to be with errors? Isn’t the Bible the core of Christianity? If the core of Christianity is erroneous, shouldn’t Christianity crumble? If these thoughts resonate in you, you are not totally off the mark. … [Read more...]
Miracles Are Useless, If….
The Bible is replete with miracles [1]. Sincere Christians who worship the Triune God will objectively believe every recorded miracle in the Bible. Miracles are intended to glorify God, meet human needs and establish the supernatural basis of revelation. Sincere Christians will also affirm miracles subjectively. They will subjectively assert their existence as a product of … [Read more...]
Why Does God Love Satan?
The question, “Does God love Satan?” seemingly yields diametrically conflicting answers from conservative Christian theologians. Some assert that God cannot love Satan. In contrast, others claim that God loves Satan. So does God love Satan or not? … [Read more...]
Should We Be Moral Relativists?
This is a short introductory essay to defend objective moral values. In philosophy, the term ‘objective,’ is defined as the existence of an object independent of human mind (mind-independency); “the object would “be there,” as it is, even if no subject perceived it.”1 In contrast, the term ‘relative’ refers to the perception of an object by the subject … [Read more...]
Amor Fati (Love of Fate) & The Christian Response
“Amor Fati” is a Latin phrase that means love of fate, wherein loss and suffering are to be accepted and considered as good or necessary facts of life. None of us are immune to pain. The Amor Fati of the Nietzschean consideration advises a love of one’s fate even in pain albeit without God. On the contrary, God does not assure Christians of a painless life. Instead the Bible … [Read more...]
Does God Save Those Who Never Heard Of Jesus Christ?
First, do people who probably have never heard about Jesus really exist? Yes, there are tribes, even to this day, who apparently live in isolation from the rest of the modern world.1 Second, is this isolated person a sinner? Yes! The Bible says no one is righteous (Psalm 14: 3; Romans 3: 10), so this isolated person is also a sinner in need of redemption. Third, should we … [Read more...]
So What If Hitler Was A Christian? (Would Hitler’s Christianity Hurt Historic Christianity?)
The holocaust, masterminded by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime, devoured 11 million lives, among them were 6 million Jews, and the other 5 million comprising of people with mental and physical disabilities, communists, resistance fighters, Slavic people, homosexuals, priests, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and anarchists etc. The antagonists of Historic Christianity argue that Adolf … [Read more...]
Analogies For The Blessed Trinity?
The doctrine of the blessed Trinity is very difficult to understand. A corporeal and finite human cannot absolutely comprehend an infinite and an incorporeal God. Hence, the human mind seeks analogies to aid in easing the comprehension of the Trinity, so that the Trinity does not remain a mystery or a logical paradox. But is there a viable analogy that best illustrates the … [Read more...]
Is Islam the World’s Fastest Growing Religion? (My Humble Plea to Islam) reported that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and so did Wikipedia.1 No doubt this indicates a trend. But how is this growth achieved? … [Read more...]