Introduction Many people like to ask questions, and not just basic questions that get us through day-to-day life, but questions that go beyond our basic routines. Questions that examine who we are, why we are here, from where have we come. Questions that are on all our minds, but many fear to ask. Some are afraid they may discover something they do not like; some are afraid … [Read more...]
5 Threats Of Demanding Certainty To Change Your Beliefs
Introduction With the continual exposure to scientific, historical, and philosophical evidence for God's existence, I am continually reminded of just how strong the case for God is, in general, and the truth of Christianity specifically. Often times I wonder how someone can have enough faith to be an atheist. It is often claimed by skeptics of God's existence, and specifically … [Read more...]
Frozen- The Eyewitness of "No Greater Love"
Before I go into any content about this movie, I want to warn the reader that there are major spoilers in this post. A thorough examination of the message behind the movie is not the intention of this post, rather I want to focus on one important detail in the movie that has value for understanding the force behind the eyewitness testimony of Jesus' disciples. If you have not … [Read more...]
The Cognitive Dissonance Of Evil
The Problem of Evil and Suffering In defending the truth of the Christian worldview, I often come across atheists who point to the supposed incompatibility of a loving God with the existence of evil and suffering. Many defenders of Christianity will move directly to explain to the atheist that without an eternal, unchanging standard, there is no objective morality, thus there … [Read more...]
Challenging Eyewitnesses of the Resurrection
Last year I wrote a post regarding the irony of rejecting the eyewitness accounts to Jesus' resurrection. I received the following challenge that attempts to undermine the reliability of eyewitnesses and the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since the Christian faith is grounded on this unique event in history (1 Corinthians 15), the challenge must be addressed. Here … [Read more...]
Should Christians Accept Secular Critique?
As humans we tend to prefer to listen to those who agree with us and avoid the discomfort of having our views challenged.We find this in all sorts of people who hold all sorts of different views- be they religious, philosophical, political, or whatever. As a child my most common exposure to this attitude was from those in the church. I remember one person pointing to scripture … [Read more...]
Can You Argue Someone Into The Kingdom?
A while back I was listening to Greg Koukl's radio show "Stand to Reason," and a caller challenged the need for apologetics. His main concerns were that nobody could be "argued" into the Kingdom and that apologists were wasting their time with "hollow and deceptive philosophy" (Colossians 2:8). I have to agree that his first concern is valid, but I don't agree with the second … [Read more...]
Questions That Are Off-Limits- Part 2
Last month we looked at questions that atheists tend to shy away from for whatever reason, and we looked at questions that are truly off-limits to those in an atheistic world. Today, we will see if Christianity has any such questions. What is Off Limits In The Church? One of the great advantages of Christianity over atheism is that the questions that are off limits in … [Read more...]
Questions That Are Off-Limits- Part 1
I have always been a curious person. I love to ask questions. What things work, how they work, and why they work. Math and the sciences had a great appeal to me in school. I always interacted with the teacher or professor. I was always trying to make connections among different pieces of knowledge that I was being taught. As I got older, if someone told me something, I liked to … [Read more...]
Antitheism and Krauss' Wager
Laurence Krauss- The Antitheist Recently in a discussion with Justin Brierly (Unbelievable?) and Rodney Holder, Lawrence Krauss made an interesting statement (podcast: 58:01): "You talk about this god of love and everything else. But somehow if you don't believe in him, you don't get any of the benefits, so you have to believe. And then if you do anything wrong, you're going to … [Read more...]