I recently launched my new ministry, the Apologetics Academy (http://www.apologetics-academy.org). The Apologetics Academy seeks to educate, train, disciple and equip the church at a personal level. By hosting weekly Webinars with leading scholars and thinkers, Christians are provided access to world class intellects that they probably would otherwise never meet. In addition to … [Read more...]
Introducing the “Apologetics Academy” Online Mentoring Program
Are you a seasoned apologist looking to improve and sharpen your ability, and test your skills in debate against the best critics of Christianity? Are you a beginner apologist wanting to learn apologetics from some of the finest Christian minds in the world? Are you a Christian who is wrestling with doubts? Are you a non-Christian who has questions about Christianity and wants … [Read more...]
New Website: Advanced Apologetics
Last week, I launched my new website, AdvancedApologetics.net. The website contains information on my upcoming speaking engagements and debates, as well as upcoming online meetings of my Advanced Apologetics mentoring group. It also features a blog, and links to the collection of videos available at my YouTube Channel. My interests that are covered on the website include … [Read more...]
Eddie Redzovic Assures Us That The Islamic State Has Nothing To Do With Islam
The Deen show is a popular Muslim Dawah TV program, hosted by Eddie Redzovic. They frequently interview ex-Christian converts to Islam, who unfortunately often butcher their alleged former faith, showing little to no understanding of Christian theology. I and others have offered to come on the show and do a debate with Eddie or anyone of his choice, but unfortunately Eddie … [Read more...]
Shabir Ally vs. Jonathan McLatchie (Tawhid vs. Trinity): Watch the Debate Live Online This Sunday
On Sunday 16th of August, at 5:15pm GMT (that's 12:15pm Eastern Time; 11:15am Central Time; 9:15am Pacific Standard Time), I am going to be engaging in a public debate with Islamic scholar Dr. Shabir Ally in London, England, on the question of "What is God Like -- Tawhid or Trinity?" The live-stream is embedded above. Be sure to tune in! See my previous debate on this subject … [Read more...]
“Evolution: Myth or Reality?” Intelligent Design on the Trinity Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_-w1l2tnc8 On Friday night last week, I participated in an interview, along with philosopher J.T. Bridges, on the Trinity channel on the subject of ID and evolution. Here is the recording. For more of my talks, interviews and debates, visit my youtube channel. … [Read more...]
Atheist Matt Dillahunty Goes After Intelligent Design — and Stumbles
I was recently directed to the above video featuring notable atheist Matt Dillahunty (with whom I have had interaction in the past). In it, Dillahunty makes a number of elementary mistakes that are quite common among popular-level criticisms of intelligent design. I thought it would be worthwhile to offer a short respon se. Misrepresenting Intelligent Design His first mistake … [Read more...]
"What is God Like — Tawhid or Trinity?" Jonathan McLatchie vs. Abdurraheem Green
I recently did a debate on Unbelievable? on Premier Christian Radio, a show that airs every Saturday on British radio (also podcasted online), featuring debates between Christians and non-Christians. Last year on the show, I did a debate on whether Christianity is evidence-based, with British atheist Elliot George. The recording of that encounter can be found here. On Saturday … [Read more...]
Would Muhammad Have Approved of the Islamic State? Part 2: Influence in Medina
In a previous article, I began a series of blog posts addressing the question of whether or not Muhammad would have approved of the Islamic state. In the first instalment, I discussed Muhammad's life in Mecca, and introduced the Islamic doctrines of abrogation and Taqiyya, both of which are found in the Qur'an itself. As I noted briefly at the conclusion of my earlier article, … [Read more...]
Would Muhammad Have Approved of the Islamic State? Part 1: The Meccan Years
The Islamic State (ISIS) have been in the news a lot recently as a result of a series of barbaric atrocities committed in the name of Islam. The question that the western media has been, for the most part, very reluctant to address openly is, "How representative is ISIS of the Islamic ideology?" It is the elephant in the room. Note that I am not asking "How representative is … [Read more...]