Why do all major world religions have an exalted place for Jesus? Is the Biblical Jesus any different than the non-Christian portrayals of Him? (Part 3 of 5) In this video, we examine a very interesting feature of the Christian worldview: the absolute centrality of Jesus Christ. Though this may seem obvious and simplistic, it is worth noting since virtually every major world … [Read more...]
Reason #2 Christianity is Unique: It is Compatible
Does the Christian Worldview match up with our Universe? Is Christianity compatible with our experience of reality? (Part 2 of 5) This is one of the most important questions that needs to be asked of any/every worldview, but unfortunately gets overlooked quite often - the question of compatibility. If a worldview claims to be true, and to describe reality in a comprehensive … [Read more...]
Reason #1 Christianity is Unique: It is Verifiable
Is there anything that makes the Christian worldview unique? Are there features of Christianity that set it apart from the world's religions? (1 of 5) There are many features of Christianity that set it apart as absolutely unique and one of a kind in all of the world's beliefs systems. One of the interesting features of the Christian worldview is that it can be tested through … [Read more...]
Video Response #2 – My Response for My Atheist Friend, "Bionic Dance"
How does the Atheistic and Naturalistic Worldview holdup to answering 18 fundamental questions of human existence? Does the atheist "Bionic Dance" have a good worldview, with good power to explain reality? This video is my response to "Bionic Dance", a popular atheist voice on YouTube with over 12,000 subscribers to her channel. However, as you will see in the video, though … [Read more...]
Video Response #1 To 18 Questions – My Atheist Friend, Michael
Can the Atheistic Worldview Answer 18 Questions of Fundamental Human Experience? Is Atheism An Effective Explanation for what we observe in the Universe? This is a video response to my atheistic friend, Michael, who recently began a dialogue with me regarding the evidence for the Christian Worldview. In this video, I respectfully respond to the answers he gave me, and try to … [Read more...]
18 Questions: An Invitation to My Atheist Friends
As a worldview, can atheism, naturalism, and materialism answer some of most fundamental questions of human experience? If a worldview cannot produce a sufficient explanation to the wide variety of phenomena and realities that humans observe in this universe, if it has little or no explanatory power or explanatory scope, it should be abandoned in favor of another worldview. I … [Read more...]
Good Arguments for God's Existence – The Cosmological Argument (Leibniz) – pt.2
In the field of philosophy, one of the greatest accomplishments of this great Christian man, is the Cosmological Argument for God's existence, based upon finding a sufficient explanation for the universe. It proceeds in this fashion: Everything that exists has an explanation, either in the necessity of it's own nature, or in an external cause. If the universe has an … [Read more...]
Good Arguments For God's Existence – The Cosmological Argument (Leibniz) – pt.1
"Why does anything exist at all, as opposed to nothing?" . "Is there an explanation for every being that exists?" . This is the fundamental question, many say, to all of philosophy. It also happens to be the primary question that Leibniz attempted to answer as he formed his version of the Cosmological Argument. Who is "Leibniz", you may ask? … [Read more...]
Good Arguments For God's Existence – Intro
"Is it possible to 'prove' God's Existence in a rational and logical fashion?" . "Are there things in the universe and our human experience that are best explained by the existence of a Personal Creator?" . These questions and many others will be answered in this new series, concerning classical arguments for God's existence. These arguments use simple but powerful reasoning to … [Read more...]