(pt.1 of 4) Does Truth exist? Even if it does, can we know it? Are we in the dark like Kant said that we are? Should we be absolutely skeptical as Hume told us we should be? This is Lesson #3 of our "Reason To Believe" Video Apologetics Class. Here we will begin to discuss the all important question of truth, and whether it can be known at all. We will be examining the claims … [Read more...]
The War of the Worldviews (Pt.2)
Can you explain the differences between Christianity and the 6 other major Worldviews? Part 1 (pt.2 of 3) This is part 2 in our video class on foundational Christian Apologetics, entitled "The War of the Worldviews." Here I begin to cover what a worldview is, what the seven major worldviews are, and how each of them compares to Christian Theism in terms of their logical … [Read more...]
The War of the Worldviews (Pt.1)
What is meant by a "worldview", and how many are there? How does the Christian Worldview compare to them? (pt.1 of 3) This is Lesson 2 (Lesson 1) in our video class on foundational Christian Apologetics, entitled "The War of the Worldviews". Here I begin to cover what a worldview is, what the seven major worldviews are, and how each of them compares to Christian Theism in … [Read more...]
Has Science Eliminated GOD?
In this teaching, I investigate the all important question: "Has Science Eliminated the Need for God?" In a culture that is growing increasingly more committed to materialistic naturalism, and to a strong devotion to "scientism", this is an extremely important issue to know how to address with your colleagues and friends when discussing the Christian Worldview. Here are 5 … [Read more...]
Ancient Non-Christian Historical Evidence for Jesus of Nazareth Part 2- Thallus & Pliny
Is there any historical reference to the darkness and earthquake that happened during the Crucifixion of Jesus? Did the Roman Emperors ever have correspondence concerning Christ? Part 1 In today's video, we will be looking at what two interesting Roman citizens, Thallus (Roman Historian, 52 AD) and also Pliny the Younger (Roman Governor, 112 AD), had to say concerning the … [Read more...]
Ancient Non-Christian Historical Evidence for Jesus – FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS, 1st century AD
"What does the Jewish Historian, Flavius Josephus, have to say about Jesus?" Well that's precisely what this new video will seek to demonstrate. One of the most famous and important non-Christian historical references to Christ, comes from the Jewish Historian, Flavius Josephus (1st century AD). What are the 10 solid historical facts he can tell us about Jesus? Watch and … [Read more...]
A Question for Christmas: Who is Jesus Christ, really?
(pt.1 of 4) This is perhaps the most important question, apologetically and evidentially, regarding Jesus Christ in all of the Scriptures. If the Bible is true, then how a person answers this simple question will determine where an individual will spend their eternal destiny. Especially at this crucial time of celebrating the Christmas season, are you personally able to … [Read more...]
Did Jesus of Nazareth Fulfill Ancient Predictions?
This is another video in our series "Great Thinkers & Great Questions", where we examine and comment on articles in the Apologetics Study Bible. Here we will be taking a short look at what is called Messianic Prophecy, in which well over 100 predictions in the ancient document of the Old Testament Scriptures, predict a specific individual that will come onto the … [Read more...]
Reason #5 Christianity is Unique: It is Respectable
How do the founders of the world's religions compare with Jesus of Nazareth? Is Jesus Christ unique when compared with Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, and Joseph Smith? (Part 5 of 5) In the last installment of this series "5 Reasons the Christian Worldview is Unique", today we will be examining the person and life of Jesus of Nazareth, when compared with the other founders of the … [Read more...]
Reason #4 Christianity is Unique: It is Receivable
Why doesn't Christianity have rules and regulations in order to "earn salvation"? (part 4 of 5) In this short video, we address one of the starkest contrasts between the Christian faith when compared with the 25 major world religions: forgiveness is not earned but received. Whether it is believed to be true or not, this major difference alone merits the investigation of any … [Read more...]