In the most recent edition of EQUIPPED, we announced we would be taking applications for CAA Pilot Chapters, and held a book giveaway contest for those who applied. As the Christian Apologetics Alliance (CAA) celebrated our fourth anniversary on March 27, 2015, we are so thankful for the way the CAA Community discusses a wide variety of important apologetics topics; offers … [Read more...]
Per Fillium: A Biblical Alternative to the Filioque Clause and a Via Media between Rome and Constantinople: Part 3 of 6
(Originally Presented at the 2014 Meeting of the Northeast Region of the Evangelical Society) Part 1 | Part 2 Systematic Objections A full discussion of my systematic objections would also involve an exposition of my Triadological commitments. As such, I shall be brief as many of my objections shall be illucidated, and I think resolved, in my constructive … [Read more...]
A Facebook friend of mine (an old acquaintance from Bible College) commented on one of my posts the other day expressing the idea that Christianity was originally gnostic, that Paul was its only apostle, and that all his writings were rewritten by "literalists" during the time of Irenaeus (late 2nd Century). His original comments are below and my response follows. I would … [Read more...]
Plantinga's Modal Ontological Argument Explained by Sean Choi
In this post I'll explain both the motivation behind Alvin Plantinga's Modal Ontological Argument, as well as its various steps. For my purposes, I'll work with a simplified version of that argument which Plantinga presents in his book, The Nature of Necessity (Clarendon Press, 1974), pp. 216-17. … [Read more...]
Per Fillium: A Biblical Alternative to the Filioque Clause and a Via Media between Rome and Constantinople: Part 2 of 6
(Originally Presented at the 2014 Meeting of the Northeast Region of the Evangelical Society) Part 1 The Objections As established, there is a long tradition regarding the Filioque Clause, and better theologians than I have mounted both defense and critique of the doctrine. Among these are Anselm of Canterbury,[22] Thomas Aquinas,[23] and Karl Barth.[24] By and … [Read more...]
EQUIPPED: Vol. 1, No. 3 – Evidence for the Resurrection
Vol. 1, No. 3 Evidence for the Resurrection "He was buried and He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures" Ready for an adventure? When was the last time you prayed, "Lord, make me willing to go, to serve, to do your will"? Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, … [Read more...]
Per Fillium: A Biblical Alternative to the Filioque Clause and a Via Media between Rome and Constantinople: Part 1 of 6
(Originally Presented at the 2014 Meeting of the Northeast Region of the Evangelical Society) Opening Remarks and Thesis The goal of this paper is threefold. First, I will provide an overview of the historical development of the Filioque Clause and the ensuing controversy for the purpose of rooting today’s discussion within the historical context of the theological … [Read more...]
Review: Jesus on Trial by David Limbaugh
Dan Barkman | With endorsements from apologists like Frank Turek and Ravi Zacharias, I had high hopes for David Limbaugh's Jesus on Trial and the book did not disappoint. Limbaugh-a New York Times best-selling author-revealed that he has long been fascinated by intellectual defenses of the Christian faith but finally decided to put his thoughts to writing after being … [Read more...]
On the Importance of Studying Greek
By Dax R. Bennington Introduction The reasons for studying Greek are numerous. This essay will address a number of the benefits of studying the ancient language. Some of the benefits are intrinsically valuable, that is they are good in and of themselves, not sought out for any particular means, and some of the benefits for studying New Testament Greek (Koine) are meant for more … [Read more...]
EQUIPPED: Vol. 1, No. 2 – Evidence for the Existence of Jesus
Vol. 1, No. 2 Evidence for the Existence of Jesus "The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us" If you’re looking for a good conversation starter, try asking, “Who is the most important person in history?” and follow it up with, “Why do you say that?” After reading this issue, you will be EQUIPPED to discuss these questions and answer the most important question: “Who do you say … [Read more...]