[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: In the Old Testament, God is often perceived as wrathful while in the New Testament, Jesus (who claimed that He and the Father were united in all things) is perceived as loving. Such an alleged dichotomy … [Read more...]
Why Do We Need the Church?
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Many modern people seem to indicate that they are “spiritual, but not religious,” or “I’m a Christian, but I don’t go to church” which is often code for “I don’t have people with whom I worship God.” Some of them … [Read more...]
Arguments from Mystical or Religious Experience
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Individuals have had visions of the divine and other such experiences that could only come from God, especially among those who were adamantly opposed to the faith in the beginning.. This gives credence to the … [Read more...]
Answering Existential Objections
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Scripture for YouVersion: Short audio/video: Three questions (1 fill-in-the-blank, 1 multiple choice, and one discussion question): References for further reading: Collaboration notes: Collaborators: [Add your name … [Read more...]
Teleological (Design) Arguments
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Scripture for YouVersion: Short audio/video: Three questions (1 fill-in-the-blank, 1 multiple choice, and one discussion question): References for further reading: Collaboration notes: Collaborators: [Add your name … [Read more...]
Christian Hypocrites
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Often the biggest (if not one of the biggest) hindrance to people becoming Christian or turning to God (“converting”) is people who call themselves Christians. This is of course, a great difficulty. Some may call … [Read more...]
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Introduction The skeptical issue in our culture mostly enters into the religious dialogue in the following way: “In the case of God, who isn’t some physical object but a divine being, what kind of evidence should … [Read more...]
Jesus’ Divine Incarnation
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Jesus’ often references his divinity throughout the gospels. One of the clearest examples of this is when he healed a man on the Sabbath in John 5. When the Pharisees accosted him for this, he claimed that unlike … [Read more...]
Mere Christianity | Why the ‘Christian’ God?
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: While much diversity exists within Christendom, there is a great deal of agreement and unity over primary issues. Focusing on the unity, the three great branches of the church (Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, … [Read more...]
Arguments from Mental Phenomena
[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.] [Add the title only in the title field, not in the body of the post.] Summary in 400 words or less: Scripture for YouVersion: Short audio/video: Three questions (1 fill-in-the-blank, 1 multiple choice, and one discussion question): References for further reading: Collaboration notes: Collaborators: [Add your name … [Read more...]