Does God exist? That, of course, depends on what you mean by “God”. Philosopher Paul Moser suggests, “Much contemporary discussion of God’s existence suffers from consideration of an inferior counterfeit.”[1] The search for God often aims too low. For example, one may look for the First Cause or Designer of the universe. One may instead wonder whether an all-powerful Sovereign … [Read more...]
Is the Incarnation Incoherent?
Recently I wrote about the Trinity. What about Jesus himself? At first glance divinity and humanity are patently incompatible. Yet Christians affirm that Jesus is both God and human as God incarnate. Indeed, “if anything appears to be a contradiction, surely this is it! How can Jesus be both God and man, infinite and finite, Creator and creature?”[1] Once again, the … [Read more...]
Racism and the Anti-Supernatural Bias
I recently purchased Irving Hexham’s Understanding World Religions after meeting the author at a conference.[1] As I began to read, I was amazed to discover that “racism has clearly affected modern thinking about the nature of religious studies.”[2] Hexham identifies a rarely discussed hidden bias against African religious traditions. The Hidden Bias He writes, “Even though … [Read more...]
Is the Trinity Illogical?
To the untrained eye Christian theology appears to border on nonsense. For example, Christians believe that the one God is three persons, each of whom is also God. You do the math. The questions are well rehearsed. Is Christianity illogical? Do Christians believe bald-faced contradictions? Did the church just invent these bizarre doctrines arbitrarily? Surely logic … [Read more...]