Should our faith weaken if the Bible is proven to be with errors? Isn’t the Bible the core of Christianity? If the core of Christianity is erroneous, shouldn’t Christianity crumble? If these thoughts resonate in you, you are not totally off the mark.
To relentlessly assault the Bible is the fervent passion of many. To rattle the faith of the Christians is their vocation.
As if to add to this predicament, quite a few evangelical Christian scholars and institutions are migrating away from committing to inerrancy i.e. the Bible is without errors. But interestingly, they commit to Bible’s infallibility i.e. the Bible is incapable of failing.
Broadly there are two categories of Christians in the context of Historic Christianity and biblical inerrancy. The biblical inerrantists defend the view that the Bible is without errors.1 The other group, the non-inerrantists, is rather lenient in this position. They consider the Bible as a document that is susceptible to errors, but not in the matters pertaining to the redemptive (salvation).
For instance, the National Association of Evangelicals, in their statement of faith, do not commit to the inerrancy of the Bible, “We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.” 2 In this view, biblical inerrancy is limited to matters pertaining to salvation and not the entire content of the Bible.
The limited inerrancy view offers room for the Bible to err in non-redemptive matters – matters that are not salvific by nature e.g. geographical, historical, scientific etc. The proponents of this view state that the main purpose of the Bible is “spiritual transformation” – to bring the lost man into a saving relationship with God. They then affirm that “If the Bible contains some errors, some discrepancies, that do not affect its power to transform lives through faith-filled communion with God, that is not important.” 3
But the unlimited or total inerrancy view does not offer any room for the Bible to err. The unlimited inerrancy view affirms that the Bible is true in all its content, be it redemption, history or science.
Those who defend total inerrancy state, “We deny that Biblical infallibility and inerrancy are limited to spiritual, religious, or redemptive themes, exclusive of assertions in the fields of history and science” (Art. 12). It further declares that: “The authority of Scripture is inescapably impaired if this total divine inerrancy is in any way limited or disregarded, or made relative to a view of truth contrary to the Bible’s own (A Short Statement, 5, emphasis added).”4
The picture becomes rather clear now.
Those who believe that the Bible contains no errors (the biblical inerrantists or those subscribing to the view of unlimited inerrancy) hold the doctrine of biblical inerrancy as an essential doctrine of Historic Christianity.5 The non-inerrantists or those who hold to the limited inerrancy view do not consider the doctrine of inerrancy as a core tenet of Historic Christianity.
If the Bible is proven to be with errors, you and I could respond in two broad ways. These options are predicated on whether we hold to the doctrine of inerrancy as an essential doctrine to Christian faith or not.
If you consider inerrancy as an essential doctrine, and, if the Bible is proven to be with errors, then your faith could weaken. But if you consider inerrancy as a non-essential doctrine, and, you consider the Bible as a document that is not erroneous in the redemptive but otherwise susceptible to errors, then your faith would not weaken.
Easier said than done!
Those who consider the Bible to be without any errors (biblical inerrantists) argue against the argument that the Bible has errors but is infallible (biblical non-inerrantists).6 Their argument is predicated on two very strong facts:
- God cannot lie either intentionally or unintentionally. If the Bible is God’s Word, and if God cannot lie, then the Bible ought to be without error.
- Christ (God-incarnate) proclaimed that God’s Word is without any errors (cf. John 10:35 & Matthew 5: 18).
So it is quite plausible that the Bible cannot or should not err.
But think from another vantage point.
Would an erroneous Bible entail the non-existence of God? No, not by any chance!
God exists necessarily. God’s existence is not predicated or intricately linked to the veracity of the Bible. In other words, God will not cease to exist if the Bible is erroneous.
In fact, God existed even before the Bible was written. It was God who inspired the human authors to write the Bible. Bible reveals God. However, the Bible is not the only source that reveals God (cf. Romans 1: 19-20).
The Lord Jesus Christ, the means to salvation of mankind, existed independent of the Bible’s veracity. For instance, history affirms Christ’s existence and resurrection.
Dr. Gary Habermas asserts that Jesus’ death by crucifixion, HIS postmortem appearances to HIS disciples, and Paul’s vision of the resurrected Christ, are the most affirmed historical facts by both Christian and non-Christian scholars. 7
Therefore, if the Bible is proven to be with errors, neither would God cease to exist nor would Christ. If history affirms Christ’s resurrection, then salvation through Christ is also a fact that remains independent of the Bible.
This is not an exercise to undermine Bible’s authority. This is a mere exercise to affirm the independent existence (apart from the Bible) of God, the Lord Jesus Christ and salvation of mankind through Christ.8
Therefore, even if the Bible is proven to contain errors, it would not and cannot undermine God, Christ and salvation of mankind. In other words, Christianity would not crumble if the Bible is proven to be with errors.
God is at the core of Christianity. Christ and the salvation that HE offered to mankind are at the core of Christianity.
But inerrancy of the Bible need not be at the core of Christianity. If inerrancy of the Bible is to remain at the core of Christianity, then it would presuppose that inerrancy of the Bible is far superior in value to God, Christ and salvation. However, since God is the source of the Bible, God ought to be at the core of Christianity and not the inerrancy of the Bible. Inerrancy is the corollary of God’s nature.
Unfortunately, this is not what Bart Ehrman thought. Bart Ehrman, the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, lost his faith in Christ because he apparently discovered one minor error in the gospels. It seemed Professor Ehrman held the doctrine of biblical inerrancy as the core of Christianity.
When a particular passage in the Gospel of Mark befuddled Bart Ehrman, his strong belief in inerrancy of the Bible was shaken. He became a liberal Christian and then ended up as an agnostic atheist after being unable to reconcile the philosophical problems of evil and suffering.9
So should inerrancy be an essential doctrine of Christianity? Maybe so. However, God, who is the source of the Bible, ought to be at the core of Christianity and not the inerrancy of the Bible. Disputing inerrancy would not and cannot damage God or Christ or salvation of mankind.
This article is intended to impact Christians, who are not into serious Christian pedagogy or academics. The full blown wrath of Christianity’s detractors, such as the New Atheists, is aimed to rattle the faith of these Christians. At the first instance, when you hear the relentless tirades of these detractors, your faith in Christ may shake.
Inerrancy of the Bible is not the beginning and the end of Christianity.
So, fear not!
God is at the core of Christianity. Christ and the salvation offered to mankind are at the core of Christianity. The Bible reveals our triune God. The Scripture cannot be broken. Let us continue to totally trust and study God and HIS Word. Amen.
1, last accessed on March 21, 2016
2, last accessed on March 21, 2016
3, last accessed on March 21, 2016
4, last accessed on March 21, 2016
5, last accessed on March 21, 2016
6, last accessed on March 21, 2016
7, last accessed on March 21, 2016
&, last accessed on March 21, 2016
8 I personally subscribe to the 3-ins – inspiration, inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible.
9, last accessed on March 21, 2016
This article was published at on March 21, 2016
Inerrancy, Historicity, Ehrman, Craig, 545 Comments In 5 Threads, and the Evenhanded Modality:
545 comments housing all sorts of segues into and out of errors and misapplications of the term inerrancy:
[1] “How to Respond to Alleged Bible Contradictions” is at and is 95 comments.
[2] “Bible Differences Aren’t Contradictions” is at and it has 50 comments.
[3] “The Gospels Get It Right When It Counts—and When It Doesn’t” is at and it has 61 comments.
[4] “Challenge Response: Jesus Wasn’t Crucified or Resurrected” is at and it has 160 comments.
[5] “If My People, Who Are Called by My Name, Will Humble Themselves and Pray…” is at and has 179 comments.
Those 545 comments house all sorts of segues into and out of errors and misapplication of the term inerrancy.
Number “5” in that list is, “If My People, Who Are Called by My Name, Will Humble Themselves and Pray…” and is at and has 179 comments. One of the comments from [5] is at (..or else at …) and opens with,
A copy/paste is pending due to the word count although it may show up here etc…..
“The Bible reveals our triune God.”
Just to be clear – the Bible does not reveal anything re “triune God”. This is a complete fantasy fabricated primarily poor lousy exegesis combined with a love of tradition (rather than the Word of God).
So now there’s a correct exegesis about God in all of those non-correct papers.
I believe that Gods word is not the literal letters and words we read on the Bible but rather it is the message those words hold within. The original bible wasn’t in English, it didn’t use the same letters or words as in english. Do we say that the Bible we have English is not Gods word then? No.
So based on that, when we understand that Gods word is the message then we can view the differences (that you consider as errors) which don’t change the message as a change in the mechanism (the tool e.g. Letters, language, consequence.. etc) some are not errors but a lack of understanding on our part.
Many times when I find that a whole verse is missing in one version I find it present in the same version but different place, I conlude that the message of the Bible as a whole is the same even if some verses that hold the same meaning are present in different places.
For that reason and because I don’t hold the view that the literal words are Gods word (specially the Gods word is God) but rather the message then I dont believe in errors. I believe that apparent errors that don’t change the message are just differences in the tool(the words)
I always give this example which I don’t necessarily think many will agree on but I will share it with you. Jesus is Gods Word. The flesh part is not the Word but rather the incarnation or the tool. That’s because Gods word is God and God can’t be a man (flesh). So I always say that if the tool here (the flesh) changed as he grew up or was damaged when he got crucified, that doesn’t make him erranious or change the message of salvation he represents. He is still Gods word in full.
Hope this explains my position. I never read it anywhere but it really makes a lot of sense for me personally.
Excellent article. We are converted to Jesus, not to the Bible.
Having said that, the problem is with people’s definition of “error.” Scripture is without error in the sense that it includes exactly what God believes we need to have a relationship with him.
The scriptures use MANY literary devices to preach the gospel. Hyperbole. Time compression. And so on. Those things are only errors if God did not INTEND to use them.
If I say “I’ve looked everywhere for my keys” is it an error because I have not looked on Pluto? Of course not.
There are errors in the MANUSCRIPTS but not in the message. Isa 55 tells us God’s word is exactly what God wants it to be. The details are precise in the places God thinks they need to be, and non-precise where they don’t need to be.
The question of parts is relevant.
Bart Ehrman yet again: See and, also, its items in the following excerpt:
“….Finally, a book that came out last October called Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament (… …), which I edited and contributed to, takes head-on Bart Ehrman’s Orthodox Corruption of Scripture (… …). My essay is essentially the transcript of my debate with him at the Fourth Annual Greer-Heard Forum, held at New Orleans Baptist Seminary in April 2008. (For a more truncated version of my lecture, along with Ehrman’s lecture, see The Reliability of the New Testament: Bart D. Ehrman and Daniel B. Wallace in Dialogue … …). The rest of the chapters were written by my students and deal with various aspects of Ehrman’s hypothesis….”
Websites with which D. Wallace is associated with include:
99% is interesting…. “A Beginners Guide to Understand and Answer Dr. Bart Ehrman”
Ironically I looked at this last night. This article doesn’t even get why he became a nonbeliever right like he has said in numerous interviews and in his books he has written that could have easily been researched. Makes me question how much the author of this article actually knows what Ehrman really says in his work.
Sorry, but 99% isn’t a new number.
An more calm and evenhanded discussion is at “Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?” William Lane Craig vs. Bart D. Ehrman.
[1] “A Beginners Guide to Understand and Answer Dr. Bart Ehrman”
[2] “Are There Any Major New Testament Text Variants?”
[3] “The Evidence for Jesus”
[4] “Jesus and His Passion”
[5] “Rediscovering the Historical Jesus: Presuppositions and Pretensions of the Jesus Seminar”
[6] “Debate with The Jesus Seminar”
[7] “The Work of Bart Ehrman”
I am curious as to why there is no response to the work of David Fitzgerald. Maybe because his work is well researched and you have to contradict history to contradict what he was written.
I would also suggest not using William Land Craig’s work. After looking at it, he is doing what he is famous for. Moving the goal posts. You will not get anywhere with skeptics using him. He just makes believers feel good about what they believe.
And what about the work of Robert Price? He was on the Jesus Seminar. But his work is so much more comprehensive than that. He is one who I can not find a response to from Christians. Him and Fitzgerald.
I didn’t see any facts presented. Nor replies to nor to …
How about this. You describe the points you want me to respond to and I will address them. I have a family and job and don’t have time to track down all the links you throw out that are not short reads . I could do the same to you from the other side but I don’t. I can clarify points made by the authors I listed if you want. Then let’s just carry on a cordial discussion about the points we are able to make in our own words.
What’s the % for the array of parts surrounding this or that Octavius? Why can we narrow the field of worthy fragments there but not with the array of parts surrounding the New Testament? Or can we in fact treat them the same? What with all the political and emotive heat and factions surrounding this or that Octavius, we’re bound to find all sorts of claims flying in all sorts of directions. Well, assuming he was real, that is.
Two comments went to spam. Not sure why. See the two links in my last comment for my own words. They link to the two comments below this one. Less than 100 words.
Hmmm…seems to have “taken” this time. Assuming it’s still there, see comment here at
The number of NT variants is actually entirely irrelevant. Though there are some interesting ones.
The issue is more what they mean.
BUT there are FAR greater issues – which primarily relate to the horribly late date of the mss.
Oh – s/note – the nature of OTHER non-NT ancient mss is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT – a small fact that apologists conveniently ignore to sop up the ignorant – perhaps to pocket another few dollars for a book.
Funny how clever they can be attacking others – but how futile they are in defending their own.
Wait a sec. Are you saying the papers are not original? Well golly. I wish we’d’a’known THAT! Never would’a thunk’it so thanks for getting us up to speed.
What’s the % for the array of parts surrounding Octavius? Why can we narrow the field of worthy fragments there but not with the array of parts surrounding the New Testament? Or can we in fact treat them the same?
What with all the political and emotive heat and factions surrounding Octavius, we’re bound to find all sorts of claims flying in all sorts of directions. Well, assuming he’s real, that is.
Adam – Ehrman would roast all of the evangelical apologists. You could sew them all up in a dark room – and it would still be dark. The issues of where there heads are at is so significant I don’t think Jesus could reach them if He walked into the room…
Ehrman would roast this guy – sorry to say.
The problem is that it takes an iota of thought to see the specious and disingenuous nature of these “arguments” – and if the person really does not want to see that – they will choose to accept and regurgitate (much as Raj does in general).
5 Quotes On Biblical Inerrancy:
Quote #1:
End quote (by WL).
And along those same lines that last item just for completeness:
Quote #2:
End quote. (by WL)
For some added context, see the standard definition of inerrancy as articulated by the Chicago statement. The form of inerrancy which rejects the Non-Theist’s common 180-degree nonsense and instead remains even-handed is echoed in a few senses by the following:
Quote #3:
End quote.
And, for more context:
Quote #4:
End quote. (by WL)
With respect to the Chicago Statement:
Quote #5:
End quote. (by WL) (…the specific comment should be at …)
This article would describe me in a lot of ways. I could deal with a few things that weren’t right historically. I just couldn’t keep believing when the contradictions and unproven historical claims kept piling on top of each other
Agree. Fortunately as Christians the 1% of Scripture that sums to Major Variants in fact mirror other historical recordings across time, as in, say, the case of Octavius. Parts + Parts is just an even-handed treatment. That there are no claims which rise or fall on *a* verse is also fortunate. Octavius’ case is the same, given said even-handed mirroring.
As discussed in the linked thread. It’s long and tedious, but helpful. Real historicity is like that.
As for the other 99% void of such Major Variants, well again we’re fortunate.
I am talking about some of the major things the Bible is based on that causes you to have good reason to question all of it. Not 1% like the others.
Well, if the 1% that sums to Major Variants troubles you, I’d suggest unpacking that with an even-handed method akin to how we unpack the array of parts surrounding, say, Octavius. History is history. No need to get fancy.
I agree. I just have issues when history is different than what the Bible says it is.
99% isn’t a new number.
What’s the % for the array of parts surrounding Octavius? Why can we narrow the field of worthy fragments there but not with the array of parts surrounding the New Testament? Or can we in fact treat them the same?
Of course – if there is even 1 error / contradiction – we know that we do not have God’s Word – because God does not make mistakes.
You’re conflating major and minor.
You’re leaving out the content and definitions in and in ~~~
“Errors”? Not necessarily.
The comment box is tedious, but helpful.
The Bible definitely has flat out contradictions and historical errors. It takes little reading – but some definite integrity – to come to grips with this. Once done, one can breathe a nice sigh of relief that the capability of reasoning has not been lost….
See the moderator for comments.
Perhaps and 545 comments housing all sorts of segues into and out of misapplications of the term inerrancy.