On the national stage and in many smaller communities we’ve come upon a difficult debate. This debate is the clash between LGBT rights and Religious Freedom. This clash has triggered a philosophical conflict, what many view as discrimination vs. the 1st amendment right to free speech.
The mainstream media has decried these religious business owners as “bigots” “homophobes” and “backwards fundamentalists.” They constantly call it discrimination in the press, and mockingly place “religious liberty” in quotations, as if such a thing were a myth. Well, the first amendment to the Constitution isn’t a myth. It’s law.
We have the right in this country of conscientious objection. If an activity goes against our conscience and/or our religious faith, then we should not be forced to partake of it. But there are many on the extreme left that would prefer to force Christians to participate in these ceremonies or be fined and/or shut down entirely. Many on the extreme left would have pastors forced to officiate homosexual weddings or lose their jobs. Many would force Christians churches to hire LGBT persons even if it goes against their core principles. If they refused, they’d be charged with a hate crime, fined, and shut down. Is that freedom? Is that really what our country is about? Forcing Christians into submission? I don’t think so.