Have you heard of Eastern Lightning? If not, hang on because it’s quite a story.
Eastern Lightning is also known as the Church of the Almighty God, Church of the True God, Church of the Everlasting Fountain, and Real God and it’s a growing *cult in mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Australia, Europe, Canada and the United States.
*Cult – “a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous” (Merriam-Webster)
Even though Eastern Lightning is believed by some to have more than a million members in mainland China, it is small in comparison with China’s population of about 1.4 billion people. (Some estimates are less than 100,000 adherents in China)
EL (as it is sometimes referred) is a relatively new cult and uses deception, sex and violence to grow bigger and flex its muscles on the back of a middle-aged Chinese woman that church members believe is the ‘Almighty God’ on earth.
The purpose for this post is simply this – be warned.
The Founder
The cult is reported to have begun about 25 years ago by Zhao Weishan **. He proclaims that the Almighty God has come to earth in the form of a Chinese woman and bases that claim on what Jesus said almost 2,000 years ago:
“For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:27
The Female Christ
The woman’s name is Yang Xiangbin and is also known as the “female Christ.” According to recent reports, Yang and Zhao fled to the United States about 15 years ago and currently live in New York City’s Chinatown and run Eastern Lightning’s international organization online (with Chinese headquarters in Zhengzhou). They teach that God is now guiding mankind for a third time through Yang. According to Yang and Zhao, God’s first guidance was in the Old Testament as Yaweh and His second guidance was in the New Testament as Jesus Christ.
As with most cults, Eastern Lightning has its own ‘holy book,’ known as The Word Appears in the Flesh: The Word Uttered by God Who Came Hiddenly in the End Time. The date of original writing is February 28, 1992. The English translation is dated January 29, 2008. That translation includes: Preface, Attached Pieces 1-3, The Interpretation of the Mystery of God’s Word (Attached Pieces of God’s Word 6-14), and The Words of the Incarnated Son of Man During His Walk in the Churches.
The book is deceptive in that the truth of what the cult believes is hidden from clear view. Instead of using the name Yang Xiangbin, the book addresses a correct response to God and His “Christ.” The “Christ” of Eastern Lightning is Yang Xiangbin.
The Origin
Here is how Eastern Lightning explains how this came to be in “The Origin and Development of the Church of Almighty God:”
“In 1991, Almighty God—the last Christ—who was incarnated in China began to work, uttering his voice and speaking. He has expressed millions of words and started the work of judgment before the great white throne in the end time … The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, Almighty God’s appearing and work, and also under Almighty God’s righteous judgment and chastisement.”
As we read through The Church of Almighty God website, we read quotes from both The Word Appears in the Flesh and the New Testament of the Holy Bible as if they are on equal footing as the inspired Word of God.
** Some believe Eastern Lightning may have had its theological beginnings as far back as Witness Lee. (Interesting article about personal experience with Eastern Lightning by William Bennett)
The Beliefs
Jesus Christ is a created being.
The Trinity is a false doctrine.
Jesus Christ did not complete His work on earth, so God sent a woman (Jesus’ sister?) to complete His 6,000-year plan to save humanity.
Because Jesus did not complete His work on earth, salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is not effective in saving a person’s soul.
Jesus did not rise from the dead and will not return again.
God has already returned to earth as a Chinese woman (Yang Xiangbin)
The Bible is outdated and not authoritative.
The Christian mission organization China For Jesus details some of the beliefs of Eastern Lightning here.
The Methods
The cult is known for using deception, coercion, entrapment, kidnapping, sex and violence to gain new converts. There are many reports about Eastern Lightning’s acts of violence (here, here and here). One of its methods for getting access to many of the true Christian house churches in China is “Spying and Paving the Way” – a method of infiltrating orthodox churches.
China for Jesus explains The Characteristics of the Eastern Lightning Cult at Its Different Stages along with recommended countermeasures. The stages include The Primitive Stage, The Violent Stage, The Sexual Enticement Stage, The Crafty Stage and a Fifth Stage that was unnamed when the report was written.
The Media
Eastern Lightning is savvy in working with media: including books, video, stage plays, musicals, audio, photos, art and websites – including live chat. They also have special media aimed at reaching children. Books include The Word Becomes Flesh, The Lightning Comes from the East, The Holy Spirit Speaks to All the Churches, and God’s Work through His Secret Appearing.
Eastern Lightning presents itself as the “persecuted church” in China and has almost 100 video “Persecution Experience Testimonies.” The church’s premise is that “judgment begins with God’s family” and that the government of China – which Eastern Lightning calls the “Great Red Dragon” predicted in Revelation – is the persecutor of the church.
The Conclusion
Eastern Lightning is a dangerous ‘cult.’ It is not part of orthodox Christianity and should not be trusted. Christians should beware of the danger involved – spiritual and physical.
Read more about Eastern Lightning by clicking on these links:
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
I have doubts about the situation have been listed,
“deception, coercion, entrapment, kidnapping, sex and violence” and so on
Are you sure that’s true?
Have you ever seen these things in person? Or hear someone experienced these personally?
We must be honest, mustn’t say as others say
As a christian, I don’t wanna be fooled too, but we can’t be afraid of false christ so that missed Lord’s returning! We can discern by prayer, seek for God’s guidance, not depend on our nature and the biblical knowledge we had. Please pay attention.
The Lord Jesus Christ has been condemned as heretic by the hypocritical Pharisees at that time.
But those who truly seek for the truth gained God’s inspire within, they recognize Lord Jesus is Messiah,just like Lord says”…seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you…”Matthew7:7
What should we do today?
“What is the most basic principle in seeking the true way? You have to look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit, whether or not these words are the expression of the truth, who is testified to, and what it can bring you. Distinguishing between the true way and the false way requires several aspects of basic knowledge, the most fundamental of which is to tell whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit. For the substance of man’s belief in God is the belief in the Spirit of God. Even his belief in God incarnate is because this flesh is the embodiment of the Spirit of God, which means that such belief is still the belief in the Spirit. There are differences between the Spirit and the flesh, but because this flesh comes from the Spirit, and is the Word become flesh, thus what man believes in is still the inherent substance of God. And so, in distinguishing whether or not it is the true way, above all you must look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit, after which you must look at whether or not there is the truth in this way. This truth is the life disposition of normal humanity, which is to say, that which was required of man when God created him in the beginning, namely, all of normal humanity (including human sense, insight, wisdom, and the basic knowledge of being man). That is, you need to look at whether or not this way takes man into a life of normal humanity, whether or not the truth that is spoken of is required according to the reality of normal humanity, whether or not this truth is practical and real, and whether or not it is most timely. If there is truth, then it is able to take man into normal and real experiences; man, furthermore, becomes ever more normal, man’s human sense becomes ever more complete, man’s life in the flesh and the spiritual life become ever more orderly, and man’s emotions become ever more normal. This is the second principle. There is one other principle, which is whether or not man has an increasing knowledge of God, whether or not experiencing such work and truth can inspire a love of God in him, and bring him ever closer to God. In this can be measured whether or not it is the true way. Most fundamental is whether this way is realistic rather than supernatural, and whether or not it is able to provide the life of man. If it conforms to these principles, the conclusion can be drawn that this way is the true way. … If it is the work of the Holy Spirit, man becomes ever more normal, and his humanity becomes ever more normal. Man has an increasing knowledge of his disposition, which has been corrupted by Satan, and of the essence of man, and he has an ever greater longing for the truth. That is to say, the life of man grows and grows, and the corrupt disposition of man becomes capable of more and more changes—all of which is the meaning of God becoming the life of man. If a way is incapable of revealing those things that are the essence of man, is incapable of changing the disposition of man, and, moreover, is incapable of bringing him before God or giving him a true understanding of God, and even causes his humanity to become ever more lowly and his sense ever more abnormal, then this way must not be the true way, and it may be the work of an evil spirit, or the old way. In short, it cannot be the present work of the Holy Spirit. You have believed in God for all these years, yet you have no inkling of the principles for differentiating between the true way and the false way or for seeking the true way. Most people aren’t even interested in these matters; they merely go where the majority go, and repeat what the majority say. How is this someone who seeks the true way? And how can such people find the true way? If you grasp these several key principles, then whatever happens you will not be deceived.
from “Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
A Pharisee named Gamaliel said: “if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” ( Acts 5:34 )—————-How sensible this person is !!!
A Pharisee named Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, even though there were much rumors around him about Jesus. He is really a smart believer, a “wise virgin”. ( John3:1 )—————-How smart this man is ! He really has a thirst and seek heart!
When Jesus came 2000 years ago, there were much rumour about him, but his disciples still followed him, because they recognized Jesus only according Jesus’s words and deeds, not the rumour. Today, if you really want to follow the truth, you can’t judge before you browse and seek by yourself !! Don’t let other’ idea drag you down.
the Chinese government is atheist, representing satan, most of the rumors come from it. Let’s discover the true face of it,
here is the link:
we are human beings, we are less than ants before God. God’s thoughts more higher than us. just to seek, do not judge, It’s really good for you. if you can’t accept, just to pray Jesus, let God reveal the fact. to learn to be Gamalie, to be a sensible person.
Paul, at the first moment he persecuted the followers of Jesus, then, he find himself completely wrong. we should learn something from that: sometimes you can’t make sure you are 100% right.
In the Age of Law, 250 leaders were swallowed up by the earth due to their resistance to God’s work; In the Age of Grace, the Pharisees condemned and resisted the Lord Jesus, and nailed Him to the cross, which brought them the pain of subjugation. Today, the returned Lord Jesus—Almighty God comes to work and save man. You do not accept, but even distort the facts, talk nonsense, condemn God openly, spread fallacies and lies to blaspheme God, and contend with God flagrantly. In this way, you will receive punishment even more severe than what the Pharisees suffered. Can you really bear it?