Now mind you, there is a huge problem with many churches teaching things that inhibit the ability to think critically. Atheists when pointing this out are often not wrong. However, I have encountered numerous atheists and other critics of Christianity who by all accounts have stopped thinking critically themselves. The common perception among them is that by being critical of religion (particularly Christianity in the west), they are exercising critical thinking. However, critical thinking implies not only questioning authority and commonly held views, but your own views as well.
Critical thinking has often been popularly described as “thinking about thinking.” Stephen Brookfield is an award winning expert on education and teaching critical thinking skills. Below is his definition of what critical thinking really is.
“Critical thinking describes the process we use to uncover and check our assumptions. First we need to find out what our assumptions are. We may know some of these already (these we call explicit assumptions) but others we are unaware of (implicit assumptions)…. Once we know what our assumptions are, we enter the second phase of critical thinking, that of research. We try to check out our assumptions to make sure they are accurate and valid… The third and final phase of critical thinking puts the first two stages into practice by applying our analysis to our decisions. Decisions based on critical thinking are more likely to be ones we feel confident about and to have the effects we want them to have.”
– Stephen Brookfield
Developing critical thinkers: Challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting. (1987, Page 9)
If an atheist wants to be a good critical thinker, and not simply a cynic, I would recommend that he or she would do as Brookfield suggests, and check their assumptions. This might entail opening a book by an apologist that they do not like, such as William Lane Craig or a conservative text critic like Daniel B Wallace, and be open minded that they might have some things right.
Checking multiple sources that disagree with each-other and weighing the evidence in your mind is sometimes tedious, but in the end it is worth it. You will have a more well rounded view. As a proponent of critical thinking, I do not claim that I have all the right conclusions. If I am not right, but I want to get it right.
Furthermore, critical thinking applies to much more that philosophical argumentation, but also to very practical aspects of our lives and what we need to do to get to where we want in life. That is a very valuable form of free-thought.
Chris, to avoid getting off track with side arguments, I think you are a bit confused. I was not saying that no people who consider themselves to be freethinkers are critical thinkers. This message is only for those of whom it applies to. I would think that you would applaud this.
This makes me wonder if you have ever seriously read secular thinkers in the Freethinking tradition. Thomas Paine? Frances Wright? Walt Whitman? Robert Ingersoll? John Burroughs? I suggest Susan Jacoby’s “Freethinkers.” A powerful balance to the re-writing of American history as God’s Country.
And it seems as though you disregard whole groups of people like me, people who have emerged from faith after years of study and ministry and biblical immersion. Choosing freely, after deep thought (and yes prayer), to leave faith and move on. I am not a “defender” of non-theism. That seems as pointless as my years “defending the faith.” But freedom to think and choose wisely is worth defending.
Why would anyone put that down?
True freethinking is practiced when people choose points of view based on experience, reason and actual choices. I don’t see most people of faith choosing from real choices. Many Christians have never read any other “holy book” than the bible. Is that a “free choice” or “freethinking”?
Chris, to avoid getting off track with side arguments, I think you are a bit confused. I was not saying that no people who consider themselves to be freethinkers are critical thinkers. This message is only for those of whom it applies to. I would think that you would applaud this. Perhaps you took this a bit too personally.
Well, Tony, thinking critically (and freely) here, I think my question stands. A person who presents their opinion about freethinking without knowing the long and respected tradition of freethinking, is not thinking either critically or as a freethinker. Paine is a good place to begin. I suggest The Age of Reason.
You see, for some of us who are proudly freethinkers, we have indeed searched the depth of faith and made a critical decision that there is more to life than believing ancient stories.
I do applaud your nuanced bow to thinking freely, yet, of course, this is a website devoted to people who have a conclusion already in pocket, and every argument (no surprise) leads straight back to that pocket. That, by the way, is not anything like real freethinking.