[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.]
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Summary in 400 words or less:
Setting aside the miracles of the universe and life, the arguments from miracles and providence refer to more specific examples of things that could not have happened without God’s influence.
Miracles are understood by supernatural works by God. If miracles occur at any point in history, God must be the cause. Multiple miracles have occurred over the course of human history. Therefore, God exists.
Argument from Providence
God’s working can be seen in history, through the working of Scripture, and through the working of individuals. God’s existence is the only possible explanation of these occurrences.
Argument from the Saints
If something is positively different about authentic religious people than those who are not, there must be a reason. If the positive results are shown to be from God, then God must exist. Authentic religious people are different than unbelievers. Many show changes and possess strength that could only be attributed to the divine. Therefore, God exists.
Transformation Argument
This is similar to the argument from the saints. There are several individuals throughout history who have experienced a 180 degree turnaround. Atheists and antagonists to the Christian faith have become Christians due to personal encounters with God. God’s existence is the only rational explanation for these occurrences.
NDE and OBE Argument
Since there are several occasions where people have experienced God after death, and there have been occasions where these experiences have been medically confirmed (for example, individuals who have witnessed and confirmed events and objects after being pronounced dead, then being allowed to come back to confirm the events and objects), the existence of God and the afterlife are the only rational conclusions. See the works of J. P. Moreland and Gary Habermas for greater detail of such occurrences.
Scripture for YouVersion:
Short audio/video:
Short audio/video:
Lecture by Dr. Tim McGrew at Baylor on Hume and Miracles:
Keener, Craig. “Craig Keener – Miracle Reports in the Gospels and Today.”
Three questions (1 fill-in-the-blank, 1 multiple choice, and one discussion question):
References for further reading:
Collaboration notes:
Collaborators: Brian Chilton, Z. E. Kendall
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I think this article needs more focus. I’d scrap the part about transformed lives and saints, that’s not the heart of the matter. The argument is cicular, too — miracles are acts by God, if they occur, miracles occur — yes, by definition. Keener is more relevant than NDE, broaden to include healings, foreknowledge, and so forth, and references to arguments for miracles in theory and in practice. Tim’s Stanford Encyclopedia entry is one, Keener’s long books are two others.