Special thanks to Baker Books for the free copy to review.
This book has a very interesting premise. Instead of a book with one long debate about whether or not God exists, this book contains twenty short debates on a variety of topics, everything from whether or not life has meaning apart from God and whether science is a substitute for religion to whether or not God cares about women or if He is ignorant of the future. The book can be consumed in large quantities or in bite-sized chunks, reading one or two debates at a time.
It should be stated that since the debates are short (this was by design), then not everything that can be said on these topics are said. So this should really be treated as more of an introduction to these topics, and each debater does give books for further reading on all of the topics if you wish to look more into them.
This is actually my first experience with Randal Rauser. I have read one of Loftus’ books where he quotes Rauser, but I am unfamiliar with his writings or his stances on certain issues. So I was looking forward to this book, not only because of the back and forth exchange, but so that I can familiarize myself with another Christian philosopher.
Admittedly I am no fan of John Loftus. He’s simply a poor philosopher, despite having once taught a class on the subject. The fact that in the very first argument of the very first debate he starts taking potshots at Christians makes me very hesitant to take him seriously, especially since his argument is just dead wrong (the argument is that since Christians are deluded and Christianity offers a false hope, it motivates Christians not to care about social ills. This is simply patently false, especially since Christians have consistently been on the forefront of opposing and ending human rights violations, everything from slavery to civil rights, to opposing the current human rights violation of abortion.) Loftus also makes the ridiculous assertion that religion has never solved any problems or answered any questions, whereas science has. This is simply uneducated nonsense. Before the 1900’s, science was a Christian pursuit. Scientists were motivated by their faith in God to study the universe that God created, because by studying it they would learn about God. Religion motivated the development of science as we know it today. Plus, philosophy has sometimes preceded science. When Al Ghazali formulated the Kalam Cosmological Argument, he argued that the universe had a beginning using philosophical arguments that an actual infinity of time couldn’t exist. It was later that a Belgian monk discovered the Big Bang.
Lest you think I am harsh on Loftus because he’s an Atheist, that’s certainly not the case. I just believe a much better thinker could have been selected to support the Atheist side. For every poor Atheist philosopher like Loftus, Richard Carrier, or Richard Dawkins, there are good Atheist philosophers like Graham Oppy, Kai Nielsen, or Quentin Smith.
The debate remains very cordial, which is refreshing for such a controversial topic which has the capacity for turning very ugly (although the debate on whether or not the Biblical God cares about slaves seemed to get a little bit heated near the end). However, as I have read many of the reviews on Amazon, it seems that many people are put off by Randal’s style. John has a more upfront approach, just giving his arguments. There’s nothing wrong with this. Randal prefers a more literary style, telling a story or giving an analogy to illustrate his point. There is also nothing wrong with this. In fact, authors have a long tradition of using works of fiction to illustrate philosophical points. Take George Orwell’s 1984, Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, and Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, to name but a few. Randal’s story-telling doesn’t take away from his arguments, it elucidates them.
John does have a frustrating habit of ignoring Randal’s arguments altogether and just repeating his earlier points. As I stated earlier, I do view that many of these debates are one-sided just because Randal’s points are so strong and most of John’s arguments are just not well-reasoned at all, as becomes apparent early on. John rejects Randal’s arguments just because he’s an Atheist and he needs to find any reason to support his Atheism, not because Randal’s points are bad. That being said, I do think John makes some good points, so they’re not all bad. As I mentioned earlier, Randal does make some major mistakes in his theology, such as supposing that a perfect God, one who cannot lie, would allow false statements about himself into the Scriptures that he supposedly inspired. And while I believe Randal was the clear winner in most of these debates, I think John did have the upper hand in a few of them.
I obviously have many gripes about John Loftus. But while fewer, I do have some about Randal Rouser. First is the position that he rejects Biblical inerrancy. I think this is dangerous for a Christian to do and is why I don’t think I could recommend him as a philosopher, and this is something that John does call him on a few times. Second, Randal apparently doesn’t know what “begging the question” is (it’s an informal logical fallacy). Randal keeps saying “that begs the question” when he obviously means “that raises the question.” It’s a common, and possibly understandable, mistake for a layman, but one that a professional philosopher shouldn’t make.
You should look elsewhere if you’re looking for a more academic treatment of these issues. However, I did find the book an enjoyable and easy read, and I think it’s a good book to introduce yourselves to many of the topics presented here.
I have to admit you got my attention too, Clinton. See my response:
Hello Clintion, You’re close to convincing me I should read the book.
I do have a disagreement with one of your own statements however.
At one point you say,
“Christians have consistently been on the forefront of opposing and ending human rights violations, everything from slavery…”
Based on my own fairly extensive background in scholarly history, I would say this is a serious error.
The vast majority of Christians in history have opposed human rights and supported slavery, even owning slaves.
For instance, the famous evangelist George Whitfield was one of the leaders in the 1700’s who petitioned the king to allow slavery to be introduced into the colony of Georgia.
The vast majority of Christians in the New World and the Europe supported slavery for a long time. The Bible itself supports slavery. In the Old Testament, if a slave owner beats his slave so harshly that the slave dies within several days, there is NO penalty because the slave is his “property”!
For hundreds of years Christians used such verses to defend slavery. For heavens sake, the famous Christian theologian R.L. Dabney published a book after the Civil War! still defending slavery as a Christian institution.
Even the Friends Church–of which I am a former member–supported and owned slaves until about 1775!
It was only via the lone witnesses of a very few Christians such as John Woolman over many years that finally got through to Christians that slavery is inherently evil.
Well said, Daniel. These christians really are a two-faced mob when it comes to most things. Studies also show that they aren’t very intelligent either.
I do not dispute most of this. However, let’s not overlook the fact that slavery was abolished by Christians, using the basic tenets of the Christian faith as their basis. Essentially, they relied on the clear teachings of the New Testament to end the institution, which the culture conveniently overlooked and disobeyed in order to justify it. I think you are wrong to say that the Bible supports slavery – but that is a discussion that has been extensively covered already and can be easily accessed. It’s not nearly so simple as folks want to make it.
You say, “Essentially, they relied on the clear teachings of the New Testament to end the institution.”
Such as the verses which major Christian theologians like R.L. Dabney and J.L. Dagg and Charles Hodge, etc. quoted to support slavery for many years:
Ephesians 6:5, Colossians 3:22, I Timothy 6:1, Titus 2:9, 1 Peter 2:18
1 Peter 2:18
“Household slaves, submit with all fear to your masters, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” HCSB
Doesn’t sound “clear” at all.
On the contrary, slaves are to obey their masters and to suffer under cruel masters.
But slavery is inherently evil.
Clinton, thanks for your review. I appreciate your comments and found your criticisms of my presentation sufficiently engaging (if ultimately misguided) that I wrote a response here:
In the article I point out that I don’t reject inerrancy, but I do reject your undefended assumption that no divinely appropriate (i.e. inspired) text would ever have any errant theological statements.
I also point out that the phrase “begging the question” has two dictionary meanings, and all my uses of the phrase conform to one or the other of those two meanings.