Today marks the two year anniversary of the Christian Apologetics Alliance. It is remarkable to see the growth of this all-volunteer organization in such a short span of time!:
*2,000+ members in the Facebook group
*Dozens of contributors to the CAA blog, with over 100,000 total page views
*Dozens of bloggers collaborating together in the Apologetics Blogger Alliance
*Supporting one another as we lead people to faith in Christ and disciple Christians to maturity in churches, on campus, and in the workplace around the world.
*About three dozen official volunteers who moderate, approve new members, run the website, and so on.*750+ members in the CAA on Google+
*Official Partnerships with Reasonable Faith, Ratio Christi and Houston Baptist University’s Masters in Apologetics Program
The admin team thanks each of you for all your contributions to this group. And we praise God for His kindness to us.
As we move forward into our third year, we are seeking to raise $500 to pay for the cost of our website hosting and other official CAA expenses. At this time, we are not an official 501©3 nonprofit, so donations are not currently tax deductible. Received funds will go into a PayPal account overseen by multiple admins. Our goal is for 50 members to donate an average of $10 each. If you have personally benefited from the CAA, please consider giving generously.
We have set up donation options through PayPal. Here’s the link to make a gift: http://
Thank you for your participation in this project – we look forward to seeing the CAA continue to grow!
sincerely yours,
-the CAA Admin team
P.S. We will randomly select people who make a donation to receive the following prizes:
*An MA apologetics lecture series on CD, from Robert Kunda
*A hand-crafted mini-library of older apologetics works on a subject of the winner’s choice, with a brief guide to their contents and the controversies that gave rise to them, from Tim McGrew
*A social media consultation, from Carson Weitnauer
*Free books from Moody Publishers, from Chris Reese
*Three copies of Cold-Case Christianity and “The Poached Egg” t-shirts from Greg West