I was reading an article last week and it hit a nerve! It might not seem like much but for me it was one article too many promoting injustice in a positive light.
How am I feeling? Angry! Why do we celebrate and name this form of eugenics as progress. It is the exact opposite! It makes me so mad to see our western health systems pushing the same eugenics programs that undergirded the Nazis in the second world war! Planned Parenthood from the US (who perform 1/3 of all abortions in America today) still operates under the same basic eugenics philosophy today. I believe there is a place for good family planning for families and communities, but not at the expense of another’s life.
On their website, Planned Parenthood say, “Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual’s income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence.” So they believe in the “fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility” but not the basic fundamental right of life?
Are we really so blind as to not see the truth? How can we allow the same mistakes to be made from only 80 years ago? Why do we not speak up about it when so many lives are already lost under the immorality of eugenics in the name of social responsibility ?
People, it is time we pulled our self-centered minds out of our own egos and rights, and start looking past our own noses. We have become so selfish and consumed about our own rights that we have forgotten that we are part of families and communities! Even if you don’t believe you are answerable to God, you are answerable to your families and communities.
We all carry moral responsibilities, part of which is to help protect and care for one another. Our primary purpose is not to maintain one’s personal progress at the demise of others as evolution teaches us. It is a sad day when our governments fail to recognise this. Friends, let us preserve the value we place on life in the west. It is why we are where we are today in terms of development. Remove that value for life and we will decline to the moral and ethical levels of many undeveloped countries. I do not believe development is primarily economic in nature but philosophical at it’s roots. Eugenics will only serve to undermine this value for life under the disguise of ‘compassion’ and ‘good for all’. Do not be fooled!
We are already killing babies in the womb, and at times, outside the womb as well. Soon it will be children under 2. If you don’t believe me, research Peter Singer and when he believes a life becomes viable. Under the name of population control, sterilization is coming back to the west with 15 year old girls now legally able to have it done in Oregon, without parental permission. How is that responsible governance? You cannot drink alcohol until you are 21 but you can be sterilized for life at age 15.
If voluntary euthanasia begins, don’t think the slippery slope will not lead to involuntary euthanasia for the sake of saving $$$ in a health system that is under enormous pressure. What about our disabled communities? They are one of the largest targets of eugenics because they are seen more as a burden on society than valuable lives.
Being made in the image of God give value to ALL lives; black, white, able, disabled, rich, poor, young, old, or whoever you are. As soon as we remove this value given to us by our Creator, life will continue to become cheap and death will become more common and less offensive. I have lived in different developing Asian countries and I have seen how a society that does not value life functions. I have lived in a country where student doctors must ‘log’ a minimum of 50 abortions before he can practice medicine. This is because they will perform so many abortions throughout there career, they must become proficient in performing them.
Speak out friends against these immoral atrocities that are already happening behind closed doors. Life is valuable at every stage! None of us know for certain when the physical and spiritual elements of a person are fused together. Some say at conception, some at +10 days, some at 12 weeks, others at 24 weeks, others after the birth. Only one of these can be right. The further we move from the point of conception, the higher the risk becomes that we are killing a person. How sure are we at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks, and 30 weeks, that we are not killing a person?
We are NOT animals as evolution teaches us! We are distinct from animals. The 2% difference between mankind and chimps makes ALL the difference. Our ability for emotions, intelligence and self control over instinct separate us from all creation. Do not let the decay of absolute morality continue because I promise you that we will never recover from it! It is what has lead to the downfall of many if not all empires throughout history.
Animals show emotions, intelligence, self control over instict too.. its a lie to say we are wholly different.