Allow me to start off by saying that I’m not claiming that there is a “best” way to witness to a Jehovah’s Witness, but I have been able to rescue some from their organization. So in that, I’ll share what I’ve learned in the process. Perhaps some of these ideas will be helpful to you. This discourse is written with the real time face to face encounter in mind, but it can also be used for internet witnessing. However, due to certain dynamics via the internet, there are other methods that I employ just a little differently, and from another approach.
When one is contemplating witnessing to a Witness, they must keep their patience level high, to a maximum. I see reoccurring mistakes that Christians make when conversing with JW’s. Let me clarify by what I mean by mistakes. In the truest sense when evangelizing, it’s my position that God uses all things we say for a purpose, despite ourselves and “shortcomings”. So in that, nothing is truly vain or a mistake. However, with wisdom, experience, and training we can learn how to be more proficient in our evangelizing that will help us get to the point in love, and away from the rabbit trails, and red herrings that may arise.
Be A Journalist When Talking To A Witness
It does one well to put in the effort to learn the various doctrines of the JWs and scour their publications, and with this, it helps to see where they’re coming from. I know many Christians who go into a discussion/debate thinking that since they have studied the Bible inside and out, they have the upper hand and they’ll win the argument. A Bible “proof texting” debate is often engaged which leads to the typical Bible “ping pong.” We must realize a key point here. JWs are trained to teach whereas listening or considering what their opponent is saying is not a priority. If you were ever to attend their Theocratic Ministry School, you’ll see that they are taught to appear to listen but are usually waiting for an opening to respond. You can learn more about this school here.
Approach is key here. As Christians, it’s not all about trying to win an argument, it’s about sharing. If you have a theological chip on your shoulder, this will stifle your efforts, lessen your effect, and make you appear disingenuous. Throw the axe away, there’s nothing to grind. Rather than being the drill sergeant that demands a response, be the journalist that is taking in mere information. Instead of telling the answer, ask for it. For example, instead of saying something point blank like “Jesus is God, the Bible says so,” try this instead: “I understand that you guys believe that Jesus is not God, but how do you get your exegesis on this?” Have them rationalize on why they believe what they do, and along the way, make sure those reasons come from Scripture instead of their publications that they may try and cite. To stress it again we must keep this in mind at all times, simply put, they are there to teach you and not the other way around. Once they feel they are no longer teaching, they usually get uninterested and decline further dialogue. Take your time and be willing to listen yourself.
Well comming from an ex jw point of veiw great job also if I might add try to share your story they can not take that away. And remember they are there to teach you not the other way around, thats what they are taught so teaching them in a questioning way, you never know what seed you might plant if you are loving and pataince is going to be needed….
Another well done blog piece.
The ‘biggie’ with me was the JW false doctrine of Jesus ‘invisible’ return aka second coming on October 1914.That is 99 years ago and it’s their core creed doctrine.
No 1914 then there can be no 1918 selection and sealing of the ‘anointed’ so the GB are illegitimate and the entire Jehovah’s Witnesses doctrinal house of cards comes crashing down.-Danny Haszard FMI dannyhaszard(dot)com