It’s a special privilege for me to have as my guest this week, physicist and theologian, Dr. Edgar Andrews from the UK. Dr. Andrews is the author of Who Made God? Searching for a Theory of Everything , which has been described as, “Thought-provoking, witty, extremely readable, and ultimately devastating in his critique of evolutionary atheism–demonstrating that a right understanding of the scientific enterprise poses no threat to biblical Christianity — indeed, that the kind of world we live in is precisely what the biblical account of God and creation would lead us to expect.”
Who Made God? is an excellent book for the Christian layman, as well as the everyday skeptic of Christianity—a great book to read and then share with your non-Christian friends and family.
In this podcast episode, Dr. Andrews and I discuss the ‘Theory of Everything’, the concept of a universe from ‘nothing’, and yes, even quantum mechanics… Well, mostly Dr. Andrews discusses that while I listen, as I like to let the experts do the talking—I’m learning just like many of you are. I hope you enjoy listening to Dr. Andrews as much as I did talking to him and learning from him.
or download as an mp3 here
Dr. Andrews’ website: Who Made God?
The book: Who Made God? Searching for a Theory of Everything
Dr. Andrews’ sermons can be found at the website of The Campus Church
This post is contributed by Greg West of The Poached Egg.