Part of the Oscar Straus Memorial in Washington, D.C. honoring the right to worship. "Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom & no such thing as publick liberty without freedom of speech", Benjamin Franklin, 1722. Our country was founded on the belief that we have the freedom to disagree with one another. That simple edict … [Read more...]
Politics & God: Should Christians be involved in Politics?
Should Christians be engaged in politics? The answer to that question is "yes!" Christians are called to participate in society as a whole. Christians always have been deeply involved in politics in the U.S.A. The founders of the United States were deeply religious people including George Washington, John Adams, and many others. 51 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were … [Read more...]
The Young Messiah—Heresy or Homage?
The Young Messiah is an upcoming American biblical drama set to hit theaters in March 2016. The movie portrays a seven-year-old Jesus returning from Egypt to His hometown of Nazareth, and along the way discovers the truth about who He is. In a press release, Director Chis Nowrasteh stated, “[The] film seeks to present a realistic portrait of Jesus as a child both grounded in … [Read more...]
A Response To “Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You *** Idiots"
When Skepchick Rebecca Watson wrote her viral post on the Planned Parenthood scandal (“Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, you F*** Idiots"), no one had to guess which side she was defending or what she thought of the pro-life crowd. The article is worth considering – not because she's right, but because she is frustratingly wrong in both her facts and assumptions. As … [Read more...]
Introducing: Winning CAA Pilot Chapters!
In the most recent edition of EQUIPPED, we announced we would be taking applications for CAA Pilot Chapters, and held a book giveaway contest for those who applied. As the Christian Apologetics Alliance (CAA) celebrated our fourth anniversary on March 27, 2015, we are so thankful for the way the CAA Community discusses a wide variety of important apologetics topics; offers … [Read more...]
Apologists, Christian Bookstores, and "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven"
This week was a bad week for fans of the book The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven. Alex Malarkey, son of author Kevin Malarkey, issued a brief but brutal retraction of the events that took place in The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, a book which has sold very well along with other books in the “heavenly tourism” genre. The publisher, Tyndale House, has agreed to take the book … [Read more...]
A List of My Recorded Interviews, Debates and Talks To-Date
Over the past couple of years, I have been privileged to have the opportunity to participate in a number of radio and podcast interviews and debates, as well as present a number of lectures on subjects of interest to Christians. Those that have been recorded lie scattered around the internet, and so I thought it would be a good idea to compile the links to these resources into … [Read more...]
“Naturalism or Christian Theism: Where Does the Evidence Point?” TreeSearch Founder Blake Giunta Debates Justin Schieber
I want to draw readers’ attention to a great debate that recently took place at the University of Texas at Dallas, between Blake Giunta, the founder of a recently-developed online apologetics resource called “TreeSearch“, and Justin Schieber, the host of the Reasonable Doubts radio show and podcast. Blake posted a postmortem review of the debate at his website. That, along with … [Read more...]
Are Atheists Smarter Than Christians?
Well, there has certainly been a lot of controversy over an undergraduate psychology assignment given at The Ohio State University. A student anonymously submitted the following question to the people at Campus Reform which was actually on his homework assignment. Theo has an IQ of 100 and Aine has an IQ of 125. Which of the following statements would you expect to be … [Read more...]
New Testament: Reliable or Myth? South Caroliners Mark Your Calendars for August 13th!
Is the New Testament reliable or is it just a bunch of man-made myths? That is the question I am going to be tackling in South Carolina in just a couple weeks’ time! There will be time for you, the audience, to ask questions after my presentation. The event will take place on Wednesday August 13th at 7pm in EDT at the BCM Ministry Building at Winthrop University: 620 Oakland … [Read more...]