By James M. Rochford Many skeptics claim that the resurrection of Jesus originated from pagan myths about “dying and rising” gods—commonly called the “copycat theory” of Christianity. James G. Frazer popularized this view in his book The Golden Bough (1914),[1] though more recently, others have followed in his footsteps.[2] … [Read more...]
"What is God Like — Tawhid or Trinity?" Jonathan McLatchie vs. Abdurraheem Green
I recently did a debate on Unbelievable? on Premier Christian Radio, a show that airs every Saturday on British radio (also podcasted online), featuring debates between Christians and non-Christians. Last year on the show, I did a debate on whether Christianity is evidence-based, with British atheist Elliot George. The recording of that encounter can be found here. On Saturday … [Read more...]
EQUIPPED: Vol. 1, No. 2 – Evidence for the Existence of Jesus
Vol. 1, No. 2 Evidence for the Existence of Jesus "The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us" If you’re looking for a good conversation starter, try asking, “Who is the most important person in history?” and follow it up with, “Why do you say that?” After reading this issue, you will be EQUIPPED to discuss these questions and answer the most important question: “Who do you say … [Read more...]
Debating Christianity and Islam on Spice FM: A Conversation on the Deity of Christ
I was recently invited to do a debate on a local radio station that airs in Tyneside, England, called Spice FM. Every Thursday, a Muslim program, called "Eye on the East", run by Muslim activist Daniel Johnson of the Islamic Diversity Center airs. In the video above, I take on Daniel Johnson and Muslim apologist Majid Younus on the identity of Christ and the validity of the … [Read more...]
Answering Jewish Objections: “Jewish People Don’t Believe in a Suffering/Atoning Messiah”: Part Three
This is the third part in our series. To see Part One, click here. To see Part Two, click here. Remember the following: Targums are the Aramaic Translations of the Jewish Scriptures (The Tanakh), that were read in the synagogues on the Sabbath and on feast or fast days. Scholars usually assume the Targums were … [Read more...]
The Divinity of Jesus. Part Three: Did the Council of Nicaea Vote to Make Jesus God?
A lot of confusion has arisen over exactly what took place at the Council of Nicaea, with some making the assertion that Christians voted to make Jesus God in 325 AD. This was a very tumultuous time period in early church history, and the scope of this article cannot address all the various facets of events which contributed to it. However, this article will focus on the early … [Read more...]
Call for submissions to winter edition of EQUIPPED
We are excited to announce the second issue of the Christian Apologetics Alliance publication, EQUIPPED, is in production, with an anticipated release the week of December 15. This second issue, titled "'The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Amongst Us' - John 1:14," will focus on Jesus' incarnation. [Review the first issue of EQUIPPED, released two weeks ago.] EQUIPPED invites all … [Read more...]
The Divinity of Jesus. Part Two: Did Jesus Claim to be God?
Did Jesus claim to be God? This is a weighted question. The God of the Jews is “God the Father” from a Christian perspective. Did Jesus ever claim to be God the Father? Confusion over this issue has led to modalism, known today as the “Oneness” doctrine, which in the simplest terms is the idea that God was the Father in the Old Testament, the Son in the Gospels, and the Holy … [Read more...]
The Divinity of Jesus. Part One: Did Jesus Claim the Divine Name?
Many Christian scholars believe that Jesus claimed the divine name spoken to Moses from the burning bush, most specifically using the example in John 8:58, where Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” The passage from which the divine name originates is Exodus 3:14: “And God said unto Moses, I AM [THAT] I AM: and he said, Thus shall you say … [Read more...]
God in History
With Easter just a few days around the corner, I believe it is important that we remember the greater historical reality this day points to: that God became man, “made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant” (Phil. 2:7) and remained obedient to death – “even to death on a cross” (Phil. 2:8). This postulate (“God became man”) has incalculable historical, … [Read more...]