Last month I continued a chapter-by-chapter summary review of Scott Klusendorf's book "The Case For Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture" (paperback, Kindle, GoodReads, Video Trailer, Interview, Life Training Institute). Today I will conclude the summary with Part 4 of the book and my thoughts and recommendation. Part 4- Pro-Life Christians Teach and Equip Chapter … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Case For Life- Part 3 Of 4
Last month I continued a chapter-by-chapter summary review of Scott Klusendorf's book "The Case For Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture" (paperback, Kindle, GoodReads, Video Trailer, Interview, Life Training Institute). Today I will continue, once again, the summary with Part 3 of the book. Part 3- Pro-Life Christians Answer Objections Persuasively Chapter 9- … [Read more...]
A Response To “Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, You *** Idiots"
When Skepchick Rebecca Watson wrote her viral post on the Planned Parenthood scandal (“Planned Parenthood is Not Selling Baby Parts, you F*** Idiots"), no one had to guess which side she was defending or what she thought of the pro-life crowd. The article is worth considering – not because she's right, but because she is frustratingly wrong in both her facts and assumptions. As … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Case For Life- Part 2 Of 4
Last month I began a chapter-by-chapter summary review of Scott Klusendorf's book "The Case For Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture" (paperback, Kindle, GoodReads, Video Trailer, Interview, Life Training Institute). Today I will continue the summary with Part 2 of the book. Part 2- Pro-Life Christians Establish A Foundation For The Debate Chapter 5- The Ground … [Read more...]
Book Review: The Case For Life- Part 1 Of 4
I have been quite excited to read Scott Klusendorf's The Case For Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture (paperback, Kindle, GoodReads, Video Trailer, Interview, Life Training Institute). From my elementary school days, I have been exposed to pro-life Christians who have faced ridicule, fines, physical harm, and even jail time for their commitment to the unborn's … [Read more...]
Undivided (The Unwind Dystology)
If you aren't reading Neil Shusterman, you should be. Unwind may be one of the best current Young Adult series addressing significant moral and social issues in a way that leads readers toward the truth. This review will cover the final book, Undivided. If you are not familiar with the series, it may be helpful to read some observations about the previous books (just click on … [Read more...]
Physician-Assisted Suicide and Consistency
It is interesting to see that society’s preoccupation with unhindered individual choice is continually extending towards decisions to be made at the end of life. As proponents of “Death with Dignity” argue, it is right for people to be able to decide the time and place of their own deaths. However, I would like to propose that first of all there are very few people who support … [Read more...]
What is Wrong with Abortion?
Is it immoral to deliberately end the life of a fetus? This is a philosophical question that tackles the ethics of abortion. This philosophical question demands philosophical answer(s). Before I attempt to answer this question, another basic question that is behind this question must also be answered; what exactly makes it immoral to kill one of us on most occasions? From such … [Read more...]
Neil Shusterman's Unwind: Cutting The Baby in Half
“In a perfect world mothers would all want their babies, and strangers would open up their homes to the unloved. In a perfect world everything would be either black or white, right or wrong, and everyone would know the difference. But this isn’t a perfect world.” Unwind is the first book in Neal Shusterman's critically acclaimed trilogy. The story takes place in a dystopic … [Read more...]
Assessing Thomson’s Defense of Abortion
Does the personhood of foetuses give them right to life? Does that right to life override women’s rights to control what happens in and to their bodies? In A Defense of Abortion, Judith Jarvis Thomson argued that even if we grant that foetuses are persons and thus have a right to life, it does not follow that they have the right to use the pregnant women’s bodies. Thomson's … [Read more...]