In wrapping up my refutation of J.T.'s critique of Christianity and arguments for God's existence, a large amount of material will be covered. Because of this, the installment you're about to delve into will be the lengthiest of the three. So, although no topic will be completely exhausted, patience and attentiveness will serve you well. Now then, let's proceed. Discussing … [Read more...]
J.T.'s underwhelming critique of Christianity: Part Two
At the end of Part One, found here, J.T. Eberhard tells his audience that the one argument Christians need to address is that there is no evidence for the existence of God (8:00). J.T. then moves into his critique and refutation of the various arguments Christians use when discussing their beliefs. Part Two will examine a few of these critiques and refutations in order to … [Read more...]
J.T.'s underwhelming critique of Christianity: Part One
Critiques of the Christian worldview are a dime-a-dozen in the vast expanse of the internet. The majority of them are deep on rhetoric, insult, and wow-factor presentation while being incredibly shallow on substance, critical thinking, and sound argumentation. As a lay apologist, I frequently come across various critiques and refutations of Christianity in one form or another … [Read more...]
Debating tips for atheists
Free thought blogger and atheist activist JT Eberhard has given a talk several times this year about why the arguments for the existence of God fail. During the talk, Eberhard discusses his year-long experiment of attending church and asking Christians why they believe in God. The lecture is designed to give atheists an outline of how to dialogue with believers and deconvert … [Read more...]