“Amor Fati” is a Latin phrase that means love of fate, wherein loss and suffering are to be accepted and considered as good or necessary facts of life. None of us are immune to pain. The Amor Fati of the Nietzschean consideration advises a love of one’s fate even in pain albeit without God. On the contrary, God does not assure Christians of a painless life. Instead the Bible … [Read more...]
So What If Hitler Was A Christian? (Would Hitler’s Christianity Hurt Historic Christianity?)
The holocaust, masterminded by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime, devoured 11 million lives, among them were 6 million Jews, and the other 5 million comprising of people with mental and physical disabilities, communists, resistance fighters, Slavic people, homosexuals, priests, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and anarchists etc. The antagonists of Historic Christianity argue that Adolf … [Read more...]
Unholy Benefits Of Atheism
Examining atheism from the vantage point of Christianity motivates a Christian to ask two questions. First, “what would I gain if I convert to atheism?” Second, “is there any value to the benefits stockpiled from atheism?” What would I gain if I convert to atheism? Thankfully, the “Creed” penned by the English poet and music journalist Steve Turner reflects the panoramic … [Read more...]
The Conflict Thesis-An Excerpt from The Dictionary of Christianity and Science
I am privileged to be one of the general editors of the upcoming Dictionary of Christianity and Science (Zondervan, April 2017). Paul Copan, Tremper Longman, Michael Strauss, and I--along with our excellent team at Zondervan--have endeavored to create a reference work that tackles the most important terms, concepts, people, and debates at the intersection of Christianity and … [Read more...]
Did Christianity Copy from Paganism? (Part 1 of 5)
By James M. Rochford Many skeptics claim that the resurrection of Jesus originated from pagan myths about “dying and rising” gods—commonly called the “copycat theory” of Christianity. James G. Frazer popularized this view in his book The Golden Bough (1914),[1] though more recently, others have followed in his footsteps.[2] … [Read more...]
One Fewer God?
There’s a popular quote by atheist Steven F. Roberts that many nonbelievers cite or paraphrase when debating Christians that says, “I contend we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer God than you do.” The atheist is saying that since we Christians don’t believe in Baal, Zeus, Odin, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, or any other god other than the God of the Bible, then we … [Read more...]
A Beginners Guide to Understand and Answer Dr. Bart Ehrman
Dr. Bart Ehrman’s works could rattle the faith of naïve Christians. Hence, those who debate Christians frequently appeal to Ehrman's works. This is a beginner’s guide to comprehend Ehrman, and the scholarly response from Christian apologists to debunk his attacks against Historic Christianity. Who Is Bart Ehrman? “Dr. Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray … [Read more...]
Batman: The Killing Joke
Zach Snyder's Batman v Superman offered a controversial dark knight that was truly beginning to fall into the darkness he claimed to fight (the extended addition makes that even more clear than the theatrical version). The Killing Joke, which is based on the 1988 story arc from Alan Moore and Brain Bolland, builds on this trajectory in a move that might rightly be called … [Read more...]
Why Do Christians Become Atheists?
Atheism is disbelief or lack of belief in God. A minority of atheists do believe in a universal spirit or god. If we had our “questioning God” moments in our life, we would empathize with those who convert to Atheism. On the other hand, if our [Christian] life has been hunky-dory and comfortable thus far, we would be surprised, shocked, and even judgmental at those … [Read more...]
Why Did God Kill 25 Million People? (A Brief Response To The Atheists)
It does not matter whether God killed 25 million people, those numbers do not matter. Hence 25 million is not a number to be concerned about; instead the concern is about God’s justice, “Was God just in killing a large number of people as recorded in the Old Testament?” Justice is God’s ontologically necessary attribute, so HE cannot unjustly kill even one person. … [Read more...]