Here are some of the details that Luke gets right in Acts that cannot be derived from Josephus. Most of these can be found in Colin Hemer's magisterial work, The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History. 1. A natural crossing between correctly named ports. (Acts 13:4-5) Mt. Casius, which is south of Seleucia, is within sight of Cyprus. 2. The proper port (Perga) … [Read more...]
Moving In The Wrong Direction
Imagine that you are driving towards New York City, and you are aiming to go visit the Empire State Building as thousands of people do every year. As you are driving down the highway, you see the Empire State Building growing bigger, so you know that you are getting closer. However, after making a few turns, you notice that your target is getting smaller and smaller. You seem … [Read more...]
Apologetics is not my Thing
Brothers, sisters, and fellow apologists: how many times have we ever heard, "This is really interesting stuff, I'm glad someone is doing it." Or maybe, "I just don't have the brain for remembering all those facts; I haven’t been blessed with that.” Or even, “I don’t really feel called to be intellectual about the Bible, but I'm glad someone is called to talk to college … [Read more...]
Does Public Opinion Create Truth?
Much has been written in recent days about a research study from the Pew Research Center that has many people either worried or rejoicing that the percentage of self-identifying Christians in America seems to be on the decline. … [Read more...]
"What is God Like — Tawhid or Trinity?" Jonathan McLatchie vs. Abdurraheem Green
I recently did a debate on Unbelievable? on Premier Christian Radio, a show that airs every Saturday on British radio (also podcasted online), featuring debates between Christians and non-Christians. Last year on the show, I did a debate on whether Christianity is evidence-based, with British atheist Elliot George. The recording of that encounter can be found here. On Saturday … [Read more...]
Physician-Assisted Suicide and Consistency
It is interesting to see that society’s preoccupation with unhindered individual choice is continually extending towards decisions to be made at the end of life. As proponents of “Death with Dignity” argue, it is right for people to be able to decide the time and place of their own deaths. However, I would like to propose that first of all there are very few people who support … [Read more...]
Would Muhammad Have Approved of the Islamic State? Part 2: Influence in Medina
In a previous article, I began a series of blog posts addressing the question of whether or not Muhammad would have approved of the Islamic state. In the first instalment, I discussed Muhammad's life in Mecca, and introduced the Islamic doctrines of abrogation and Taqiyya, both of which are found in the Qur'an itself. As I noted briefly at the conclusion of my earlier article, … [Read more...]
Would Muhammad Have Approved of the Islamic State? Part 1: The Meccan Years
The Islamic State (ISIS) have been in the news a lot recently as a result of a series of barbaric atrocities committed in the name of Islam. The question that the western media has been, for the most part, very reluctant to address openly is, "How representative is ISIS of the Islamic ideology?" It is the elephant in the room. Note that I am not asking "How representative is … [Read more...]
Are Christians Inherently Biased?
There seems to be the perception in society today that Christians are inherently biased. Of course Christians cannot be great scientists for example because they are going to bring a religious agenda to the table that will color their research. Is it true? Are Christians inherently biased when they approach a subject? … [Read more...]
The Mysterious Magi of Matthew 2, Part Two.
In part one of this series, I briefly described the origins of Zoroastrianism, the religion held by the magi mentioned in Matthew 2, who left their homeland and traveled to Israel to worship Jesus. We noted the passages mentioned in the Old Testament where these monotheistic adherents of Zoroastrianism equated their deity with the God of the Jews. In contrast to the … [Read more...]