Having just finished Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi, I’ve been contemplating how to review it. Scanning through the reviews on Amazon, I noticed that it is doing well. People are responding positively to Nabeel’s autobiographical account of his life as a Muslim and journey to Christ. The insight he sheds on the Muslim religion, culture, and the importance … [Read more...]
When apologetics feels like math
You know that experience where there’s something you should do but you absolutely hate doing it? That’s how I feel about math – and how many people feel about apologetics. Really, I hate math. For one, I don’t really understand it. Once I passed the basics it became confusing for me. Math is a language I don’t speak. I think in pictures and words. Even numbers in my mind are … [Read more...]
Questions about God
Having reached the mature age of 4, my niece has gained a new level of inquisitiveness. “Why?” and “What?” have become her two favorite questions in conversation. While she has supplied me with many laughs, what continually amazes me is the intellectual depth her little mind is capable of producing. In the past few weeks she has asked the following questions: “Why doesn’t God … [Read more...]
Misinformed History: Galileo, the Church, and Science
Thanks to the History Channel I discovered that on April 12, 1633: Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei [went] on trial in Rome for challenging Church orthodoxy, postulating that the Earth revolves around the sun. Chief inquisitor Father Vincenzo Maculano da Firenzuol found Galileo guilty of heresy. The astronomer spent the remainder of his days under house … [Read more...]
Are Christians anti-intellectual?
One common objection formed against Christianity is the idea that Christians abandon intelligence and knowledge in favor of unreasonable, blind faith. If Christians really thought through and questioned what they believe they'd see that there is no intellectual basis for their faith. Yet instead of embracing reason, Christians choose to blindly cling to their beliefs, willfully … [Read more...]
God and Evil: The Case for God in a World filled with Pain – a book review
God and Evil (GAE), published this year through Intervarsity Press, is a book that deals with possibly the hardest questions humanity faces no matter one’s religion. Why is there suffering? Why is there evil and pain? And if God exists and he is good, how can we reconcile this with the evil we see and experience? The reality that people have wrestled with these questions for … [Read more...]
How should I respond to religious pluralism?
Religious Pluralism has become common in our daily lives. Not only do we live in a religiously diverse nation, one that claims to uphold each individual’s right to choose their faith, we also live in a culture that has adopted the belief that all religions are fundamentally the same. I’m daily confronted with the reality that many people believe all religions are true, teach … [Read more...]
Of mermaids and God
Awhile back I was amused to see that the BBC had a news story entitled, No evidence of mermaids, say US government. According to the article, a broadcast on mermaids, which was a work of fiction, was mistaken as a documentary. This led to people questioning if mermaids actually existed, and the National Ocean Service stating, “No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been … [Read more...]
Is Seeing Believing?
As an apologist I am constantly thinking through the evidence that surrounds my Christian faith. I’m always looking for ways to communicate the reasonableness and evidence for my belief in Jesus Christ. I want to explain that I have not made a blind leap into the abyss of nothingness so many have dubbed “faith.” Yet no matter how strongly I’m able to demonstrate the truth of … [Read more...]
The Bible Series: Viewer Discretion Advised
*Spoiler Alert. Even if you've read the Bible, this post contains spoilers, discussing elements found in the TV series that are not found in the Bible. Over the past weeks I’ve turned on the History Channel with over 68 million viewers to watch The Bible, which culminates on Easter Sunday with the death, resurrection, and New Testament era. The mini-series produced by Mark … [Read more...]