One of the objections I've run across in speaking with atheists is the idea that God cannot exist because he's an unembodied mind. All of our experience dictates that persons cannot exist apart from bodies; if the God of traditional theism exists, he is both personal and an unembodied mind; hence, God cannot exist. So any arguments made from natural theology -- the moral … [Read more...]
Isn’t it arrogant and immoral for Christians to evangelize?
Are Christian missionaries doing something wrong by trying to share their faith with others? I mean, they have to believe that they have some elite status with God. After all, they think that their faith has given some sort of audience with God, and those who do not hold to their particular view are mistaken and are failing to embrace something that is extremely important. If … [Read more...]
You Say the Bible Advocates Slavery?
Recently I saw a skeptical friend of mine share a slogan very similar to this one. It makes a very powerful point, reducing to the absurd any notion of getting morality out of the pages of the Bible. On one hand the Bible seems to be condemning a loving relationship between two members of the same-sex, while at the same time endorsing such a reprehensible act as kidnapping … [Read more...]