If there's one focus a Church should have, it's on evangelism and missions. It's almost a little redundant to separate those since missions, properly understood, is evangelism. If we're truly doing the will of the Lord and making disciples of all nations, we can't do that by giving people clean water without giving them the water of eternal life. We can't give them bread to … [Read more...]
Achilles Heel: Internet Arguments
This clever picture really breaks down the state of affairs when it comes to arguing over the internet, especially when it comes to the arguments between Christians and Atheists. … [Read more...]
Why do some Christians seem to ignore the resurrection?
As one becomes entrenched in Christian Apologetics and studying the evidence for the Christian worldview, it doesn't take long to discover the many convincing arguments for the bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the grave. There are scores of solid arguments for theism in general (philosophical, scientific, etc), but as ambassadors for Christ, we are making a defense … [Read more...]
Conundrum: You want to get into apologetics but don’t have a degree – pt2
This is part two of my series on helping out the GED Apologist. For the first post, click here. 6. Enroll in certificate programs This is probably one of the best things an aspiring Apologist can do and I can personally testify as to how much I've benefited from going this route. I've either completed these programs, currently working on them, or will most likely do them in … [Read more...]
Conundrum: You want to get into apologetics but don't have a degree – pt1
When I became a Christian, I was immediately drawn to apologetics. Apologists are all wired a certain way, and I'm definitely wired in a way which causes me to dig deeper for answers to questions, especially those related to Christianity. I have plenty of questions which come from my own proclivity to doubt, plus there are questions from other Christians, questions from … [Read more...]
Issues with Answers in Genesis
When I say I have issues with Answers in Genesis (AiG), I'm not referring to their Young Earth Creation (YEC) interpretation of Genesis 1-11. My issues are with the considerable amount of time and effort they spend leveling false accusations against those who believe in Old Earth Creationism (OEC). AiG is the most widely followed YEC ministry, and unfortunately their divisive … [Read more...]