[This post is a work in progress as part of the CAA Catechism.]
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Summary in 400 words or less:
What is the difference between Grace and Karma? Are they the same? It will be helpful to look at the purposes of both Grace and Karma to make a decision so first Karma. What is Karma? Karma is normally associated with Hinduism. Although Buddhism does have a form of Karma, Hinduism was the first. The main thing about Karma is that you do good things to get good things done to you; if you helped someone then someone will help you later or the opposite. You do something bad and then something bad will happen to you.
The big picture here, might be the only similarity and that is with Karma, you are in a huge debt that you need to pay off. Then comes the difference again even with the debt. The bible says we are in debt with God that we are earning God’s judgment every time we sin like a paycheck. The difference is that the bible tells us how much debt we are in, with Karma we do not know how much debt we are in or how much we have to pay off. Grace is God’s undeserved favor which he gives generously to His children. So Karma says, do good to earn your good. Grace says, I love you so much I want to bless you. We all don’t deserve grace, yet God gives it to us anyways.
The last difference is that Grace is being poured out by a Person and Karma is being utilized by an impersonal force. God also does not often resort to punishment; He prefers discipline. (The difference between punishment: a negative consequence for an undesirable action and discipline: trying to influence us towards righteousness.) God also never reprimands us to the degree that we are responsible; He is always gracious, abounding in love, full of mercy.
However, justice delayed is not justice denied. This side of eternity, God wishes that men should repent and turn to Him and be healed. At the same time, God has set a time where all men will be held responsible for their deeds and thus fulfilling His justice.
Scripture for YouVersion:
Romans 3:24 Romans 5:15 1st Corinthians 15:10 Exodus 34:6-7
Short audio/video:
Three questions (1 fill-in-the-blank, 1 multiple choice, and one discussion question):
References for further reading:
New Birth or Rebirth: Jesus talks with Krishna by Ravi Zacharias
Collaboration notes:
Collaborators: Sergio Flores, Chris Lee
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