To be clear, abortion is not a religious issue. I have written several posts against abortion using science and philosophy. But you’ll occasionally find someone who uses the Bible to justify abortion. You’ll even encounter Atheists who try to use the Bible to justify abortion if they know a Christian is arguing against it. You just want to stare back and them and ask, “Why are you using the Bible to justify abortion?! You don’t believe in the Bible!” Those wacky Atheists.
Of course, the real reason is they know you believe in the Bible, so they will use it against you in a futile attempt to show you that you are going against what the book you consider as authoritative from God teaches. But in true form, most Atheists don’t read the Bible to understand, they read it to criticize. But again, abortion is not a religious issue. You’ll find Christians who support abortion. They’ll support abortion using the same verses and passages that Atheists do, falling into their trap.
Now, it’s true that the Bible doesn’t specifically tell us it’s wrong to abort. But why does that matter? It’s wrong to assume that whatever the Bible doesn’t expressly forbid, it condones. The Bible also doesn’t forbid me from pushing someone into a shark tank or cutting the brakes on their car. The Bible is silent on abortion simply because Jews and Christians were not aborting their children. To the Jews, children were a blessing. If a woman was barren, it was a curse. Jewish women would have never aborted their children. Likewise, Christians were not aborting their children. The concept of a “pro-choice” Christian is a relatively new concept. In fact, Christians would often take Roman infants, who were legally left out on the road to die, rescue them and raise them. Anyone who claims to follow Jesus must love children, as Jesus did.
And yes, Jesus loved children. In Matthew 18:10, we read that Jesus told us not to despise children. In Mark 10, Jesus told his disciples to bring the little ones to him, although the disciples were trying to shoo them away, because “the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” In Matthew 18:6, Jesus said that if anyone causes a “little one” who believes in him to stumble, it would be better for that person to cast a millstone around his neck and throw himself into the sea.
God told us not to murder (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17). We are not to kill any human being in cold blood. Since the unborn are human beings, this surely applies to them, too. We can look at science to show that the unborn are human beings, but the Scriptures also consider them full human persons. The Bible uses the term “baby” or “child” to refer to the unborn (e.g. Luke 1:41, 44, and Matthew 1:20). Furthermore, the word used in Hebrew for the unborn child, ben (or banim, plural), is used for children inside and outside the womb (Genesis 25: 21-22, cf. 1 Chronicles 4:1, Isaiah 7:14, et al). Likewise, the Greek word used is brephos, which is used for children inside and outside the womb (Luke 1:41, 44, cf. Luke 2:12, 16, et al). The Bible makes no distinction between children inside and outside the womb.
God also hates the shedding of innocent blood (Deuteronomy 19:10, Proverbs 6:16). It is true that no one is spiritually innocent, as we have all inherited a sin nature by our relation through Adam (Romans 5: 12-21). So the word “innocent,” in this context, refers to someone who has not done a crime to permit such a punishment. The unborn are innocent in that they have not committed any crimes, certainly no crime deserving of being killed for it. To kill a human in cold blood is a heinous crime, one that will certainly not be overlooked if the human killed in cold blood is still in the womb.
Anyone who thinks God would be okay with killing children does not know God at all. God has said that the sacrifice of children was something he never commanded or spoke, and it never even entered his mind (Jeremiah 19:5). Humans are valuable because we are made in God’s image, with an inherent capacity as rational, moral agents. This is not a physical image, as God is spirit (John 4:24). The unborn have this same inherent capacity, so they, too, are made in the image of God. Killing an unborn human is no different from killing a human outside the womb.
The case of rape is especially tragic. No woman should ever have to be subjected to such cruel treatment, but even in this case, abortions are not Biblically justifiable. God has made it clear that no one is to be punished for the crimes of their father (Ezekiel 18: 20). Additionally, we are called to help other people, even at great cost to ourselves. This was the whole point of the Good Samaritan story (Luke 10: 30-37), which pro-choice philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson misrepresents in her Good Samaritan Argument for abortion (which includes her famous violinist through experiment).
Weak Verses to Support the Pro-Life Position
Two verses are commonly used to support the pro-life position Biblically. The first is Jeremiah 1:5, in which God informs Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” The second is Psalm 139:13, in which David writes: “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.” (NASB, some translations read “you knit me together in my mother’s womb”).
So why don’t these verses support the pro-life position? Frankly, they are taken out of context. Mormons believe that the soul is pre-existent from the body; orthodox Christians do not. We believe that the soul is created with the body, at fertilization. Jeremiah 1:5 would then indicate that our soul exists before our body, since God says he knew us before we were in the womb. On the contrary, this verse speaks of God’s foreknowledge. God knew that Jeremiah would be conceived and born, and before that even happened God chose him to fulfill his specific purpose.
What about the verse in Psalm? Again, this is poetry. God did not literally take a needle and thread and form us in the mother’s womb, or take wood and weave us into the finished product. It is a poetic description of human development in utero. Also, this doesn’t state that we had value in the womb. We can get that from other passages. Although I do love the imagery expressed here, the act of knitting. When someone sits down to knit, all the parts are there. The knitter just takes the materials and forms them into the finished product. Similarly, we are not constructed in the womb, we develop ourselves from within. All the necessary components are there in the beginning, in our DNA. Through development our genes express themselves and we develop our individual parts.
We can build an airtight pro-life case through the Scriptures, but it’s important that we use the right verses to do so. There are rules to follow for Biblical exegesis (that is, drawing out the message intended in the passages), and one of those rules is you don’t take one verse out of context. The Scriptures were meant to be consumed as a whole, not in bits and pieces.
Common Biblical Arguments For Abortion
There are many arguments I’ve seen people use to support abortion from the Bible. In the interest of space, I’ll tackle a few of the more common ones. In the future, I may address more.
Exodus 21:22-25: “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”
This passage is often used to show that the unborn are just considered property, and not valuable humans. If he hurts or kills the woman, then he shall endure an equal punishment.
The problem here is a severe misreading of the passage. The verse does not show that the unborn is property. This verse actually does not have miscarriage in mind. It has premature birth in mind. If two men are fighting and hit a pregnant woman, and the child is born prematurely, then two possibilities will occur. Either the child will be born without serious injury or death, then the offender will be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the courts allow. But if the child is born severely injured or dead (or if the woman is severely injured or killed), then the offender is to pay life for life, injury for injury. The woman isn’t just in mind here, the child is, too.
Genesis 2:7: “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
This verse is used to show that Adam didn’t actually become alive until he started breathing, so the Bible doesn’t consider us alive until after we’re born.
There’s a fundamental flaw in this interpretation. Adam was a very special case. Adam was created from the dust of the Earth. God had to breathe breath into his nostrils because Adam had to breathe to live on the Earth. So what we can take from this is anyone formed from dust will not be alive until God breathes the breath of life into them. Adam was not conceived like other humans. But this argument would also prove too much. This would mean that since Adam was created as an adult (likely in his 30’s or 40’s), then humans don’t actually have a soul until we reach our 30’s or 40’s.
To say nothing of the fact that respiration does take place in the womb, through the umbilical cord. Birth just changes the method, not the fact, of breathing. As Scott Klusendorf mentions in his book The Case for Life, it’s like switching from AC to DC power.
Numbers 5: 11-21: “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Speak to the Israelites and say to them: “If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him, so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure — or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure — then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealously, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing.
“‘“The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the LORD. Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. After the priest has had the woman stand before the LORD, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, ‘If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband” — here the priest is to put the woman under this curse — “may the LORD cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.”’”
The contention here is that since God has apparently ordained abortion for adulterous women, then it is justified for us to do abortions on pregnant women.
First, it doesn’t follow that just because God institutes abortion, we are justified in aborting unborn children. Peter pronounced a curse on Ananias and Sapphira because they lied to the Holy Spirit, and God struck them dead. It doesn’t follow that we are justified in killing someone for lying. God is the giver of life, and only he is uniquely qualified to take it.
Second, an abortion really isn’t in view here. As I stated earlier, children were a blessing to Jewish women. A barren woman was seen as cursed. This curse was not meant to abort a child. Rather, it was meant to show guilt. A woman who had not committed adultery would gladly redeem herself by drinking the water. A woman who had committed adultery would not agree to drinking the water, and therefore guilt could be determined.
There is simply no strong argument that can be given to Biblically support abortion. Children are precious to God, and he would never be okay with taking the lives of innocent children because they’re in the way of something we want.
“The Bible is silent on abortion simply because Jews and Christians were not aborting their children.”
Give yourself a history lesson. Women have been aborting unwanted pregnancies since ancient times. The reason it’s not mentioned in the bible is because it was commonplace and probably not considered a sin. Because the time isn’t always right to have a baby and to bring forth life is a huge responsibility and not something to be taken lightly, something that people who lived in more difficult times understood.
Sorry, but I’m pretty sure you’re the one who needs a history lesson. Just because women have been aborting unwanted pregnancies since ancient times does not mean that *Christians* and *Jews* were doing it. Plus, abortions were not commonplace, even in pagan nations, since abortions were very dangerous. Abortions have even been illegal in England and US common law for hundreds of years. Before the 1900’s, abortions were also considered attempt suicides because they were so dangerous.
I agree that having a baby and bringing forth life is a huge responsibility and not to be taken lightly. But when a woman is pregnant she has already brought forth life and does not have the right to end it.
I’d recommend finding and reading Joseph Dellapenna’s book Dispelling the Myths of Abortion History.
‘children are precious to God’
Yes, which is why God never has things done like making a group of wild bears tear a group of children to pieces for simply laughing at a man’s baldness, or orders his soldiers to cut down children when they raid a nearby settlement, or orders for pregnant women to have their wombs slit open by the same soldiers, or ever had Egypt’s firstborn massacred, or ordered disobediant sons to be stoned to death, or saying that any family who even suggests worship of other gods should be stoned to death.
God bless you.
You were on a roll. But then you slipped. The passage in Jeremiah and the passage in Psalm speak clearly that life begins at conception. The Bible clearly says, “Thou shalt not commit murder.” To abort an unborn child is to commit murder. Fortunately, for the baby, upon abortion, they get to go to heaven. The one good thing you could say about this is that they get to miss all the problems and hardships they would have experienced here on earth if they had been given the chance to continue life.
Clinton and Dwight, Although there are honest disagreements about using the Jer. and Psalms verses against abortion, Clinton, I can appreciate your concern about putting forth the best arguments against abortion.
What about in those rare instances in which the continuation of the pregnancy does severely threaten the life of the mother? As tragic as the situations are, even as a believer I think if I were in that situation, aside from steady prayer, I think if there were no change in the prognosis come the deadline for a decision…I might consider it. (Just to be there for the child I already have here because I do not fear physical death, just care for her well-being.) Does a believer just commend the unborn child to God and ask for spiritual healing for that difficult choice? What about as a consensus for the unbelieving women who may find themselves in this difficult spot?
I actually believe that in life-threatening situations, it is morally permissible to have an abortion to save the mother. I actually wrote an article on this that goes into great detail. You can view it here:
Thanks, Daniel. I believe that we should always use the best arguments when discussing abortion, whether with non-Christians or with Christians alike. I also believe in taking the words of the Scriptures in context. Taking them out of context to support your worldview is simply bad hermeneutics.
Dwight, the problem here is that you are merely asserting your position. I gave reasons for why these two verses in particular don’t support the pro-life position.
I agree that the Bible says we shall not commit murder, and aborting an unborn child commits murder. But that doesn’t show why these two verses support that.
To reiterate, the verse in Jeremiah does not show we are alive and human from fertilization, unless you agree with the Jehovah’s Witnesses that the soul is pre-existent before the body (“before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”). However, from the context it is clear that this verse speaks of God’s foreknowledge, not of our state as humans at fertilization. There are other verses that show this, Jeremiah 1:5 is not one of these.
Also, the verse in Psalms is poetic, not a scientific or philosophical assessment of what the unborn are. Jesus also used poetic language to describe himself (“I am the vine,” “I am the door,” etc.). Do you believe that Jesus was a literal vine and a literal door?
clearly you don’t know when to take Scripture literally and when, indeed, it should be spiritualized. That’s the problem with so-called “Christians” today. I stand on the position the Bible teaches, not on what your false interpretation says.
That’s not true. I study the Scriptures. If your position is correct, you should be able to give an argument rather than making unjustified assumptions about your interlocutor.
you made your position perfectly clear and your position is reason enough to come to the conclusions I came to. The proof is in the pudding. Jesus took the Scripture in its literal interpretation; why would you think it okay to differ?
No, my position is not reason enough. I would encourage you to study logic, because your argument is pretty much a textbook non sequitur. So if Jesus took the Scripture in its literal interpretation, are you saying, then, that Jesus really was a literal vine and a literal door?